




(ポイント1)「今~に行ってきたところです」はhave just been to~の型です。

I've just been to Tokyo Station to see my uncle off.(今、おじさんを見送りに東京駅へ行ってきたところです。)

(ポイント2)「頭を刈りに」は使役の型を使って、to have my hair cut (あるいはtrimmed)とします。床屋には、a barbershop(米)とa barber's(英)があります。

I want to have my picture taken.→I want you to take my picture.→I want you to take a snap of me.(僕の写真を撮ってもらいたい。)

(解答例)①I've just been to the barbershop for a hair cut.

②I've just been to a barber's to have my hair cut.



(ポイント2)「言われた通りやる」はdo as you were toldとします。「早くやる」はdo as early as you were toldの型です。仮定法にすると、You ought to (あるいはshould) have done it.となります。

You ought to have been here five minutes earlier.(君は<いつも>5分遅れる。)

You ought to be here five minutes earlier.→Why not come five minutes earlier?(なぜ5分早く来られないのか。)

(解答例)①You ought to have done it as early as you were told.

②You haven't done it so early as you were told. Tell me why?


(ポイント1)平易な会話体です。「お待たせして~恐縮です」はI'm sorry I've kept you waiting.の型です。

(ポイント2)「家を出ようとした時」はWhen I was about to leave home.です。「旧友が~来たものですから」は、「実を言うと(the fact is)」などを文頭に出す方がいいでしょう。「旧友」はone of my old friendsかan old friend of mine。です。この場合の「恐縮」はI'm sorryかIt is rude of me to~でいいです。

(解答例)①I'm awfully sorry I've kept you waiting. The fact is, when I was about to leave home, one of my old friends came to see me.

②It's rude of me to have kept you waiting. To tell the truth, an old friend of mine came by (米語。あるいはdrop in, look in、立ち寄る) when I was leaving home.


(ポイント1)会話体は、会話に合うような表現をしなければなりません。「おい、山田君。」ならHey, Yamada.かHi, Yamada.とします。「~君」「~ちゃん」には敬称は不用です。「花子ちゃん」ならHello, Hanako!で十分です。

(ポイント2)「散歩に出かける」はgo for a walkかtake a walkです。「いや」は特に考えなくてもよいです。「寒いから」はIt is too cold for me.ぐらいか、It's too cold, isn't it?などとします。

(解答例)①"Hey, Yamada. How about going for a walk?" "Well, it's too cold."

②"Hi, Yamada. Let's go for walk." "No, thanks. It's too cold for me."




How can it be true? Impossible!(本当であるはずがあろうか。馬鹿な。)

Oh, nonsense! Who do you think would believe you?(たわ言を言うな。誰が君の言うことを信じるものか。)

Five thousand dollars for such a rubbish? Ridiculous!(そんなガラクタに5000ドル?馬鹿馬鹿しい。)

Shame! You were cheated again.(まあ、また騙されたのね。)

(解答例)①Oh, such a plan! Can you imagine your father saying 'yes' to it (あるいはagreeing to it) ?

②How could your father approve of such a plan? Impossible!


(ポイント1)「問題は~ということです」に目をつけると、The problem is~の型となります。

The result was that we had lost the game.(結局はこちらの負けとなった。)

The trouble is who will put (あるいはtie) the bell around the cat's neck.(困ったことは誰がネコの首にベルを付けるかということだ。)

The conclusion is that we shall never let him join us.(あいつは仲間に入れないというのがその結論だった。)

The point is that the majority should rule the minority.(多数派が少数派を制するというのがその主眼です。)

(ポイント2)「~と交渉を始める」はbegin to negotiate~かenter (あるいはget) into negotiation with~とします。

(解答例)The problem is who will enter into (あるいはbegin) negotiation with them.


(ポイント1)日本語の「テレビ」には二義があります。一つは「テレビのセット」で、もう一つは広義の「テレビ(ジョン)」です。「テレビ1台」はa TV (set)です。

The story will be telecast on Thursday afternoon.(その物語は木曜日の午後に放映されるだろう。)

I enjoy professional baseball games on television.(私はプロ野球はテレビで楽しんでいる。)

This TV has a good (poor, bad) reception.(このテレビは映りがよい<悪い>。)

(ポイント2)「テレビ万能」は「テレビが全国に普及している」と考えてもよいですし、「大事なもの」としてもよいです。「ない家はない」はno house~but (has)と直訳してもいいですし、「どの家にもある」と考えてもよいです。

(解答例)①Television is everywhere these days. There is no house in Japan without a color TV or two.

②Nowadays TV is everything (=something very important; cf. Money is everything). Every home in Japan has a color TV or two.


(ポイント1)「この冬」は、「過ぎ去った冬(last winter)」と「今来ている冬(this winter)」と「来るべき冬(next winter)」の意があります。

I went skiing last winter at Zao.(この冬は蔵王でスキーをやった。)

We have had a milder winter this year than usual.(この冬はいつもの年より暖かかった。)

I'm planning to go skiing in Hokkaido next winter.(この冬は北海道へスキーに出かけようと思っている。)

(ポイント2)「スキー」「スケート」は通例、skiing, skatingと~ingの形をとります。「雪が少なくて」はbecause there was little snow.です。

Skiing was introduced into Japan about 80 years ago.(スキーは約80年前に日本に入って来た。)

They traversed the great plains on skis.(彼らはスキーで大平原を踏破した。)

(解答例)①Because there was little snow, I couldn't do much skiing last year.

②Since we have had little snow this year, I have been unable to ski very much.



According to Dr. Ezaki, young Americans are very science-minded.(江崎博士の話では、アメリカの若者は科学に熱心だそうだ。)

(ポイント2)「合わない」はnot agree (あるいはdisagree) with~を使います。be disagreeable to (the taste)とも言います。

Some fish doesn't agree with me.→Some fish is disagreeable to my taste.

(解答例)①My friend enjoyed his trip to Mexico, but the spicy food didn't agree with him.

②Although the spicy food was disagreeable to his taste, my friend really enjoyed his trip to Mexico.



(ポイント2)「できるだけたくさんの」はas many ~as you can。「友達」をどこに連れて行くのかというと、もちろん市長の所です。「市長は夕食にでも招待した」の意なら、The mayor invited me to dinner.となります。

"Come to my home next Thursday," said Mr. A, our history teacher.→Mr. A, our history teacher, asked me to go to his home next Thursday.(歴史のA先生は僕に、今度の木曜日にうちにいらっしゃいと言った。)

(解答例)①"Come to my home Saturday afternoon around one o'clock and bring as many friends as you can," the mayor said to me.

②The mayor asked me to go to his home Saturday afternoon around one (o'clock), with as many friends as I could take.






(ポイント2)「山田さんは初めて首都ワシントンを訪れた。そして、そこに1週間滞在した」と考えます。「訪れる(visit)」を入れないと、「初めて(for the first time)」という副詞句が付けられません。「首都ワシントン」はWashington, D.C.とします。「留学(する)」は次例参照。

He went over to America for further study (あるいはto study further).

(解答例)①Mr. Yamada went to America to study and, during the summer vacation, visited Washington, D.C. for the first time and stayed there for a week.

②Mr. Yamada who has been in America to study paid his first visit to Washington, D.C. and stayed there for a week during the summer vacation.



(ポイント2)「~が向こうに見えるでしょう」は通例、You see ~over there.の型で訳します。「頂上が白雪に覆われた」はwhose top (あるいはthe top of which) is covered with snow.です。「秩父山系」はthe Chichibu hills (mountains)かthe Chichibu range (of hills)とします。

(解答例)①You see over there mountains whose tops are covered with snow. That is the Chichibu range.

②You see the snow-capped mountains over there. That is the Chichibu range of hills.


(ポイント1)「ちょうど~のように…となる」に目をつけると、Just as ~, so…の型になります。ここでは、「水の流れが低い所へ流れるように、文化の流れが~」と考えます。

(ポイント2)「文化の流れ」は「文化」でよいです。「文化」は「文明」と解して、civilizationとします。「水が低い所に流れる」はwater finds its own levelかwater flows downwards、あるいはwater runs down to a lower level (あるいはlower plane)です。「高い(低い)所」はhigher (lower) plane (あるいはlevel)です。

(解答例)①Just as water finds its way downwards, so civilization flows from a higher level down to a lower (level).

②Civilization moves from a higher plane down to a lower one just as water finds its own level.


(ポイント1)「~ほど…なものはいない」は、nothing is ……more (so)…than (as) ~の型です。

Few countries in the world are more blessed with scenic beauty than Japan.(日本ほど自然美に恵まれた国はあまり無い。)

(ポイント2)「花子(ちゃん)」や「山田(君)」などは友人とか若年者に限るので、英語では呼び捨てでよいです。「花子ちゃん!」ならHi, Hanako!でよいです。「小町娘」はthe belle of the townとか、the queen of this districtなどとなります。

(解答例)①I think Hanako is the most beautiful of all girls in this neighborhood. She is indeed the queen of this town.

②No woman in this area is more beautiful than Hanako. She is the belle of this town, I think.



(ポイント2)「この万年筆」は「これは(~によって与えられた)万年筆です」と考えます。「長年アメリカに行っていた(叔父)」は過去完了形にして、(who) had been in America a long timeか(who) had been (staying) in America for many yearsなどとします。「一昨年」はthe year before lastかtwo years agoなどとします。

(解答例)①This fountain pen was given to me by my uncle who had been in America a long time and came home the year before last.

②This is the fountain pen my uncle gave me when he returned home two years ago. He had been in America for many years.


(ポイント1)構文はso…thatかSince (As)…。「交通量」をどう訳すかがカギです。


Traffic is so heavy in this part of the city.(この辺は交通量が非常に多い。)

「下町」はdowntownですが、ここではin downtown Tokyoとします。downtownには副詞、形容詞、名詞用法があります。「どこへ行くにも」はwherever you goで、「時間がかかる」はit takes (much) timeです。

(解答例)①In downtown Tokyo, traffic is so heavy that it takes you much time wherever you go by taxi.

②In downtown Tokyo, streets are so congested that it will take time to go anywhere by taxi.


(ポイント1)「私は決して忘れないでしょう」を文頭に出すと、I shall never forget ~となります。その次にthe day when…の型で続けます。「あの」は「あの…した日」と考えます。

(ポイント2)「新幹線に乗る」は今日では完全な日本語になっていますが、「新幹線」は本来「線路(a railway line)」です。そこで外国人が専らthe Shinkansen express (あるいはtrain)と言っていますので、これを借用します。「初めて」はfor the first time (in one's life)とします。

(解答例)①I shall never forget the day when I took the Shinkansen express for the first time.

②I will never forget the day when I boarded the Shinkansen train for the first time.



(ポイント2)「若い時に」はwhen (I was) youngかin my youthとします。「もっと勉強する」はstudy (あるいはwork) harderです。「(こんな)苦労をする」はtake (such) troubleかbe put to (such) troubleとなります。

That has put me to much trouble.(それで私は大いに困っている。)

(解答例)①If I had worked harder when young, I wouldn't have to take such trouble as this.

②Had I studied harder in my youth, I shouldn't (あるいはwouldn't) be put to such trouble now.



The sun is rising.(日<太陽>が上りました。)

It is getting (=growing) colder every minute.(刻々と寒くなってきた。)

(ポイント2)「日増しに」=「一日一日と」=「次第に」考えると、day by dayかevery dayか、あるいはgraduallyとなります。「梅」をどう訳すかが問題です。和英辞典にはa Japanese apricotとあったりしますが、apricotは「あんず」です。ここではthe ume blossomsとしておきます。「ポツポツ」はin (あるいはby) twos and threesなどが適訳でしょう。

(解答例)①It's getting warmer day by day, and the ume blossoms in the garden are coming out in twos and threes.

②It's getting warmer every day and the Japanese apricot trees in the garden are beginning to bloom by twos and threes.


(ポイント1)構文的にはThere are…とします。「公害」は通例、「環境汚染」とか「汚染された環境」と言います。

「大気汚染」air pollution

「海(水)汚染」sea (water) pollution

「環境汚染」environmental pollutionかpolluted environment

(ポイント2)「この辺にも」は「この辺境の地にも」と考えてみます。「これらは」は「これらの家は」の意です。「避けようとする」はtry to get away from (あるいはavoidかshun)~です。

(解答例)①There are lots of new houses in this area. It seems that they have been built by people trying to get away from the polluted environment of Tokyo.

②There are lots of houses in this remote area―all newly built. They are owned by people, I think, trying to shun the frightfully polluted environment of Tokyo.




(解答例)①It takes plenty of nerve to drive at a speed of 100 miles an hour.


②It takes a great deal of courage to drive 100 miles an hour.


(解答例)①He has a store of good jokes.


②He knows plenty of good jokes.


(解答例)①He was in high spirits in spite of the bad weather.


②He was feeling good despite the bad weather.


(解答例)①I had the fortune to win the first prize in the speech contest.

I had the fortune to~の言い方は文語調です。

②I was lucky enough to win the first prize in the speech contest.


(解答例)①Day began to break.


②Day was beginning to dawn.


(解答例)①All you have to do is to tell the truth.


②All you have to do is tell the truth.

All you have to do is~の構文では、原形不定詞が続くことが多いです。


(解答例)①What a nerve you have!


②What nerve you have!



(解答例)①We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party.

②We had a very good time at the party.


(解答例)①This time tomorrow we will be flying over the Pacific.


this time yesterday(昨日の今頃)

this day week(来週の今日)

this day month(来月の今日)

this day year(来年の今日)

tomorrow week(来週の明日)

a month from today(来月の今日)

a month from now(来月の今日)

a month ago from today(先月の今日)

②In exactly 24 hours' time we'll be flying over the Pacific.


(解答例)①What have you come here for?


②Why have you come here?


(解答例)①He is 6 feet in height.

このinは「~に関して」の意です。in heightは文語調です。

②He is 6 feet tall.


(解答例)①What is the distance from here to the ranch?

②How far is it from here to the ranch?


(解答例)①This tunnel has a length of one mile.


②The tunnel is one mile long.





(ポイント1)一見簡単だが、訳しにくい問題です。構文的にはIt seems that ~を文頭に出すか、There seem to be many people who ~とします。

(ポイント2)「~というよりは(むしろ)…」と考えると、not so much ~ as…の型です。「~からではなく…からである」とすると、not because ~ but because…も利用できます。「実用性を考えて」=「実用の目的のために」とすると、for practical purposesとなります。「言葉」はlanguageかspeech(どちらも無冠詞)を使います。languageは「(一民族、一国家の)言葉」であり、具体的には英語、ドイツ語、日本語などがそれに当たります。

American speech(アメリカ用法)

in colloquial speech(口語体で)

(解答例)①It seems that many people learn English conversation, not so much from interest in language as for practical purposes.

②There seem to be many people in Japan who learn English conversation, not because they have interest in language, but because they want to put it to practical use.



(ポイント2)「近頃の学生」はstudents todayかtoday's (present-day) studentsでよいです。「わずかの道のりでも」はeven when going a short distanceですが、「それが近かろうが遠かろうが」と考えると、whether it is a long way or notやregardless of the distanceとなります。「列を作る」はqueue, wait in a queue, stand in a lineです。「バスを待つ」はwait for one's busですが、場所は「駅」ではなくて「バス停」でしょう。

People were seen waiting in a long queue in front of the community center.(市民会館の前には市民の長い行列が見えた。)

(解答例)①Students today don't take the trouble to walk, but stand in lines at a bus stop waiting for their buses, even when going a short distance.

②Students can often be seen standing in queues at bus stop; they don't seem to take the trouble to walk, regardless of the distance.


(ポイント1)構文はComing back from ~, she…と分詞構文にします。「母親」はthe motherでよいですが、ここでは「彼女(she)」で十分です。なぜなら、次に「娘」とあるからです。日本語では「母親(奥さん)が買い物に行く」「娘が表を通る」と言いますが、英語ではshe (they)でよいです。

"Who's she ?" "She is one of our neighbors."(「あの方どなた?」「お隣の奥さんよ。」)

「パン屋」はa baker's(英)かa bakery(米)で、「うつぶせになって眠る」はsleep with her head (down) on the tableです。

sleep like a top(ぐっすり眠る)

(解答例)①Coming back from the bakery, she found her little daughter sleeping with her head on the table.

②Coming home from the bakery's, she found her little daughter with her head down on the table and sleeping like a top.



(ポイント2)「その季節季節の~」はevery season has fruit of its ownかwe have fruit in each seasonです。「~のみならず…」はnot only ~but…で、「日本に滞在している外国人」はforeigners staying in Japanとします。

(解答例)①In Japan every season has fruit of its own, which is a joy not only to us but to those foreigners staying in Japan.

②In Japan the taste of some fruit in season can be relished not only by us but by the foreigners in this country.


(ポイント1)「何の便りも無い」の訳し方は決まっています。「全然知らない」はI have no idea of ~という型もあります。


①I haven't heard from him yet.

②I have heard nothing from him (so far).

I have heard nothing about him.は「人のうわさとかニュースとか、(間接的に)何も聞いていない」という意味になります。「全然知らない」はI know nothing of ~かI have no idea of ~となります。「どこに~どんな…」=「どこに住んでいて、何をしているのか」と考えます。

(解答例)①I haven't heard from him for ten years. I have no idea (of) where he lives or what he does.

②I have heard nothing from him these ten years. I know nothing of where he is living or what job he is doing.



France is more than twice as large as Japan.(フランスは日本の大きさの2倍以上ある。)


(解答例)①Peru is nine times as large as our country, while her population is the same as Tokyo's. No wonder Peruvians live easy, comfortable lives.

②Peru is nine times as large as Japan but her population is no larger than Tokyo's. So Peruvians enjoy free, comfortable lives in this vast expanse of land.


(ポイント1)「おそらく~であろう」は仮定法で表します。すなわち、Few people would ~の型です。「衣食住」の語順は、英語では「食衣住」となる点に注意しましょう。

(ポイント2)「日本人として~少ないであろう」は「~という日本人は少ないであろう」と考えて、Few Japanese would say ~とします。「衣食住」は(one's) food, clothing and housing、「~に満足する」はbe satisfied with ~、「~特にそうである」はThis is especially so (with) ~かThis is particularly the case with ~の構文です。「~特にそうであろう」=「~特にそうである」と考えます。

(解答例)①Few Japanese would say they were satisfied with their food, clothing and housing. This is particularly the case with young people.

②Few Japanese are contented with their present food, clothing and housing. This is especially so with the young of today.



(ポイント2)「童話」は通例nursery storiesですが、stories for childrenかfairy tales(おとぎ話)でもよいです。「愛情の文学」は(a) literature of loveで、「愛情」はloveかaffectionです。「とても書けるものじゃない」=「とても書くことを期待できない」とします。

a motherly affection toward children(子供に対するお母さん<のような>愛情)

(解答例)①I'm convinced that nursery stories are a literature of love. Without love for children, how can you expect to write stories for them?

②I am sure that nursery tales are literary works of love. Unless you have affection for children, you can hardly think of writing stories for them.


(ポイント1)「自然」と「山」の関係がはっきりしません。山は自然の具体化したものという意味でしょうか。構文的にはIt is true ~, but…かIndeed, ~but…でよいでしょう。

(ポイント2)「人生の先生」は「人生のガイド」「人生航路のパイロット」と考えて、a guide to life's journeyかa pilot to lead you thorough the long course of lifeなどとします。「全ての人が~というわけじゃない」はnot every one ~かnot all of us ~と、部分否定になります。「山に登った人」はa mountain climberかa man who has climbed a mountainであり、「山の本当の姿を見る」は「自分の登った山の本当の姿を見る」と解して、recreate a true image of the mountainとします。

(解答例)①It is true that nature is a guide to life's journey, but not all mountain climbers can recreate a true image of the mountain they have climbed.

②Though nature is a pilot to lead us through the long course of life, not every mountain climber can draw a true picture in his mind of the mountain he has conquered.



(ポイント2)「さらに困ったことには」はto make matters worseかeven worseか、あるいはwhat is worseなどです。「雨が猛烈に降り出す」はit rains hard, have heavy rain, have a downpour, have a showerなどとします。「ずぶぬれになる」はget wet to the skin, be (あるいはget) drenched all over (through)などです。和英辞典にbe drenched to the skinが載っていますが、この場合はall overとかthroughというのが通例です。downpourはpour downから来た造語で、アメリカ用法です。

(解答例)①To make matters worse, we had a heavy shower and got wet to the skin.

②What is worse, there was a heavy downpour and we got drenched through.




(解答例)①What's the width of this sidewalk?

②How wide is this sidewalk?


(解答例)①The depth of the lake is unknown.

②It is not known how deep the lake is.

③No one knows how deep the lake is.


(解答例)①The coach gave him some good advice.

②The coach gave him a number of useful suggestions.

③The coach gave him a number of useful recommendations.

抽象名詞adviceは複数形になりません。「1つの助言」と言う時にはa piece of advice、「複数の助言」と言う時にはsome pieces of adviceとなります。


(解答例)①A thousand dollars is a large sum.

②A thousand dollars is a lot of money.

③A thousand dollars is a large amount of money.



(解答例)①A pair of gloves was left in the taxi.

②A pair of gloves was found in the taxi.

③Someone left a pair of gloves in the taxi.

手袋・靴下のように、二つで一組になっているものは複数扱いです。ズボン・ハサミ・ピンセットの類は、分離していなくても一つで複数扱いです。ただし、一双・一足など一組を単位とした時、その単位がa pair ofのように一つであれば単数扱いとなります。


(解答例)①The great statesman and general is still living.

②The great statesman and general is still alive.



(解答例)①If you want a dictionary, I'll lend you one.

②I can lend you a dictionary, if you want one.

③If you want one, I can lend you a dictionary.



(解答例)①There was no objection on the part of those present.

②There was no objection on the part of those who were present.

このthoseは「~の人達」の意です。on the part of ~は「~の側では」の意です。


(解答例)①You had better wait until the police come.

②You had better wait for the authorities to arrive.

the policeは「警察」の意の集合名詞で複数扱いです。「警官」一人一人を言う場合はpolice officer, policemanです。


(解答例)①To study economics is one thing; to learn how to make money is quite another.

②Studying economics is one thing, learning how to make money is another.



(解答例)①No matter what game I play with you, you never win.

②Whatever game I play with you, you are always the loser.

no matterにwhat, which, who, where, when, howが続くと、「たとえ~でも」の意味になります。


(解答例)①He is an early riser.

②He rises early.



(解答例)①What is the height of the tower?(文語調)

②How high is the tower?

③How tall is the tower?


(解答例)①There is a scarcity of good jobs, even for the educated.

②There is a shortage of good jobs, even for the educated.

③Even educated people have difficulty finding good jobs.






(ポイント1)「下宿」には二種類あり、一つは「賄い付きの下宿」boarding houseであり、もう一つは「部屋だけの下宿」(one's) lodgings=a rented room or rooms in a house, not in a hotelです。

(ポイント2)「今までの二倍の時間がかかる」はit takes (me) twice as long as~かit takes twice as much time as~とします。

"How long does it take you to go to school?" "Well, (it takes me) just one hour."

(解答例)①I was lucky enough to find suitable lodgings in the suburbs of Yokohama. But it takes me twice as long to go to university as it did before.

②Fortunately I've found a good boarding house in the suburbs of Yokohama. The only disadvantage is that it takes twice as much time to go to college as it used to.




(ポイント2)「お顔に見覚えがある」は「以前見た記憶がある」と考えます。「たしか」はWell, yes.かSure(ly) enough.などとします。「飛行機で」は「同じ飛行機で」と補ってみます。「先月の初め」はearly last monthです。

(解答例)①"Excuse me, please. I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?" "Well, yes. I think we were together in the same plane early last month."

②"Pardon me, sir, but I think I've seen you somewhere before." "Sure enough. We happened to be in the same plane early last month."

3、風鈴(a wind-bell)を人からもらったので、初めて軒先にかけてみた。金属性のかわいい鈴で、ちりんちりんといい音がする。


(ポイント2)「軒先にかけた」はhung it from under the eavesとします。「金属性のかわいい」=「金属性で小型の」と考え、「ちりんちりんといい音がする」は「美しい音が響く」と考えると、(it) rings sweetly (あるいはexquisitely)か(it) sounds sweetぐらいになります。「ちりんちりん」は擬音でtink, tinkとかtinkle, tinkleですが、ring sweetlyとした方が英文になります。

(解答例)①Given a small wind-bell as a gift, I tried hanging it from under the eaves. It is a small metallic one and sounds very sweet.

②I tried suspending the small wind-bell my friend had given me from under the eaves. It is such a lovely metallic one and it rings sweet in the wind.



(ポイント2)「重ねてきた苦労」=「(彼は)努力をしてきた」とするか、「かれがなした努力が…にもかかわらず」と考えて、all the efforts (that) he had made…とします。「無駄になる」=「無になる」として、come to naught (あるいはnothing), prove fruitless, get nowhereなどと考えます。「落胆する」はbe discouraged, be depressed, be out of spiritsなどとし、「…ようだった」はbe seemed not (to be)…, he didn't seem…(口語)などでしょう。

(解答例)①All the efforts he had made for many months came to nothing, but he didn't seem to be as discouraged as we had expected.

②All the labor he had done for months proved fruitless, but , strangely enough, he didn't seem really out of spirits.



(ポイント2)「世界の二位(三位)を占める」はrank 2nd (3rd) in the world。「どちらも…ない」はneither of them。「海軍」はthe navyですが、「海軍力」と解すとnaval forcesです。

He ranks high in mathematics among the students.

They rank low in the social scale.

(解答例)①Germany and Japan rank 2nd and 3rd respectively as trading countries in the world, now, but neither of them possesses a navy.

②Germany and Japan are now the 2nd and the 3rd leading trading countries and yet neither of them maintains naval forces.



(ポイント2)「急速な経済成長」はthe rapid growth of the nation's (あるいはnational) economyとします。「必ずしも…じゃない」はnot necessary…という部分否定で、「幸福をもたらす」はbring us (あるいはthem) happinessでよいでしょう。

(解答例)①We didn't realize until recently that the rapid growth of the nation's economy does not always bring us happiness in life.

②People have gradually come to realize that rapid growth of national economy does not necessarily bring us happiness to their daily life.


(ポイント1)「久しぶりに…日本を見て…を思わずにはおられない」という形式で、この原文の主語はIでよいです。分詞構文を使ってComing back from Europe…, I cannot help…ing ~と考えてみます。

(ポイント2)「久しぶりに」はafter a long absenceかafter year's absenceです。「見直す」はsee again, look closely at ~などですが、構文によっては省いても差し支えありません。「~から学ぶべきことがたくさんある」はthere are lots of things to be learned from ~とします。

(解答例)①When I see Japan again from Europe, I cannot but think that there are still lots of things to be learned from Europe.

②Coming back to Japan from Europe after a long absence, I cannot help thinking that we still have quite a lot to learn from Europe.



(ポイント2)「春の近きを思わせた」は「私は春が近いと思った」と考えると、I thought spring was near at hand.「春はじきそばまで来ているらしかった」ならspring seemed to be just around the corner.となります。「雪の連山」はsnow-covered mountains, a range of snow-covered (あるいはsnowy) mountainsなどとします。この場合の「ふと」は考えなくてよいですが、つけるとするとwhen I happened to look up…などが考えられます。

(解答例)①It was a fine day and I thought spring was near at hand. When I looked up, there were snow-covered mountains that seemed to float in the sky like so many white clouds.

②It was a very fine day―so fine that it reminded me of warm spring weather. Looking up, I found a range of snowy mountains that seemed to be afloat in the sky like a train of white clouds.



(ポイント2)構文はThough…,の型ですが、「なるほど…だが、しかし…」と解してIt is true that…, but…としてもよいでしょう。「憎しみ合い、殺し合っている」はhate and kill each other (あるいはamong themselves)とします。次に「(…し合って)いるのは馬鹿げたことだ」と補ってみます。

(解答例)①Though modern civilization has developed remarkably, it is absurd that we human beings hate and kill one another with highly developed weapons produced as a result of it.

②It is true that civilization has become highly developed, but ironically enough mankind hates and kills each other utilizing the most formidable weapons that have come out of it.


(ポイント1)「列車に乗る」はtake (あるいはboardか have a ride on) a trainとします。「時速200キロで」はat a speed of 125 miles an hourです。「揺れる」はswayがよいでしょう。「乗り心地がよい」はfind (あるいはfeel) comfortable, have a comfortable rideでしょう。

Speed Limit: 20MPH(速度制限:毎時32キロ)

(解答例)①The other day I took the Shinkansen express for the first time, and found the whole journey very comfortable, though we swayed a little as we reached a speed of 200km per hour.

②A few days ago I boarded the super-express for the first time and had a very comfortable ride, though it shook a little when it speeded up to 125 miles per hour.




(解答例)①Most students have side jobs.

②Most students have part-time jobs.

「大部分の」の意味では無冠詞の形容詞mostを用います。side jobsは古い言い方で、part-time jobsの方がよいでしょう。


(解答例)①He is the very man I want to employ.(文語調)

②He is just the man I want to employ.



(解答例)①This is the very thing that I have been searching for.(文語調)

②This is exactly what I've been looking for.



(解答例)①You didn't really see a ghost―it was only imaginary.

②You didn't really see a ghost―it was all in your mind.

③You didn't really see a ghost―you just thought you did.

④You didn't really see a ghost―it was just your mind playing tricks.



(解答例)①The place is certainly worth seeing.

②The place certainly merits a visit.



(解答例)①The teacher distributed printed sheets.

②The teacher distributed handouts.

③The teacher passed around handouts.



(解答例)①In my opinion, the house is not worth the price they are asking.

②In my opinion they are asking too much for the house.

③In my opinion the house is way over-priced.



(解答例)①The more civilization advances, the more people long for nature.

②As civilization continues to advance so does people's longing for a return to nature.

(解説)the+比較級~, the+比較級…は「~すればするほど、…」の意です。このtheは指示副詞です。


(解答例)①Soon the time will come when we can enjoy space travel.

②The time is coming when we will all be able to enjoy space travel.

③The time when we will all be able to experience the joys of space travel is approaching.



(解答例)①Where exactly is the famous coffee shop? Can you draw me a map?

②Just where is the famous coffee shop? Could you draw a map for me?



(解答例)①This is much too large a quantity for me.

②This is too much for me.

③This is much more than I can handle.

④This is much more than I can deal with.

⑤This is much more than I need.

too+a large quantityはtoo large a quantityの語順になります。このような語順になる副詞は他にsoとhowがあります。


(解答例)①Never have I read so fearful a novel as this.(文語調)

②Never have I read such a fearful novel as this.

③I've never read such a terrifying novel as this.

④Never have I read such a terrifying novel as this.

so+a fearful novelはso fearful a novelの語順になります。


(解答例)①Hardly have I heard her speak English.

②I've hardly ever heard her speak English.



(解答例)①This is how we mastered English pronunciation easily.

②This is the way we mastered English pronunciation easily.

③This is the way we easily mastered English pronunciation.


  1. リンゴをもう10個下さい。(神戸松蔭女子学院大学)

(解答例)①Give me ten more apples.

②I'll have another ten apples.

many, muchの比較級としての用法の他に、moreには「それ以上の、余分の」の意味があります。






With his gifts and strong health, his future is assured.(彼の才能と健康をもってすれば、彼の将来は約束されている。)

(ポイント2)「依然(として)」は「今でもなお」としてstillでよいです。「無謀な運転」=「無謀な運転手(ドライバー)」=reckless drivers。「信号」=「交通信号」=a traffic signal。「横断する」=cross~。「道路」にはa (city) street(都市の街路)とa road(主に自動車道路)とがありますが、ここでは前者がよいと思われます。

(解答例)①There are still quite a number of reckless drivers. Your safety is not assured when crossing a street even when there are traffic signals there.

②Seeing that there are so many reckless drivers on the streets you must be very careful in crossing busy streets, even if there are traffic signals there.



(ポイント2)「以前来た時は」は「私のこの前の訪問」としてmy last visit ( = stay)とか、「この前訪問した時は」と考えてwhen I visited here last timeとします。「駆け足」は「短時間」と考えると(a) brief (period), brief (stay)などが考えられます。「落ち着いて」=「長く滞在する」=stay long (enough to ~)。

(解答例)①I arrived at Kurashiki in the rain. My last visit, six years before, had been rather brief, but this time I stayed long enough to do the sights of the city.

②It was raining when I got to Kurashiki. Six years before, I had paid a hurried visit, but this time, I stayed long enough to see the sights of the city.



(ポイント2)「濃霧に遭う」は「濃霧につかまる」とすると、(When you are) caught in a dense fogとなります。「先に進む」はwalkでよいです。「霧が晴れる」はthe fog disperses, the fog clears upなどとなります。「じっと気長に」はpatiently, with patienceでよい。「一番いい~」は「君がやることは~だけだ」と考えると、all you have to do is ~が最適です。「山で」はin the mountainsと複数形にします。

(解答例)①If you are caught in a dense fog in the mountains, you had best stop walking. All you have to do is wait patiently till the fog disperses.

②When a heavy fog comes down in the mountains, you should stop walking. The best thing to do is just wait patiently until the fog clears up.


(ポイント1)「~いる人で…人はほとんどいない」に目をつけるとfew people (who~)の型がすぐに頭に浮かびます。

(ポイント2)この場合、~(人)は日本人と考えます。「毛嫌いする」はhave a prejudice (against)が適語ですが、dislikeでもよいです。「その国の人達」はthe people, the inhabitants of a countryなどとなります。

(解答例)①Few Japanese who live long in a foreign country have a prejudice against the people.

②Few Japanese speak ill of the inhabitants of a country where they lived for many years.


(ポイント1)「~ほど…なものはない」はNothing is more (so) pleasant than (as)~の型です。「昔から繰り返されてきた」はIt has been proverbially said, It has been said from of old that~の構文となります。

(ポイント2)「~という言葉」は上記の構文を使えば不要になります。しかし、構文をThere is an old saying :とすると必要になります。「反対する」はoppose ~, be opposed to(受動), deny ~(否定する)などとなります。

(解答例)①It has been said from of old that nothing is more pleasant than traveling. And even today few people would deny the truth of it.

②There is an old saying in Japan: "Nothing gives you more pleasure than traveling," and even today there are few who would oppose that idea.



(ポイント2)「感動させる」は「他人を感動させる」と考えます。「感動させる」はmove (others)とするか、「印象づける」としてimpress (others)としてもよいです。「巧みな作品」はa fine piece of workとかan excellent work of art(すばらしい美術品)などとしてもよいです。「決して生命はない」は「長く生き残らない」と考えるとcannot live long、直訳的に考えるとbe lifelessです。

(解答例)①If you want to move others, you should first be moved yourself. If not, your work, however ingenious, cannot live long.

②If you wish to impress others, you should first be impressed yourself. Otherwise, your works of art, however excellent, are lifeless.


(ポイント1)「(下宿生活を始めて)から二か月経ちます」と考えると、It is two months since ~, Two months have passed since ~の型ができます。

(ポイント2)「下宿生活を始めた」はI began to live (here) in this lodging houseでよいと思われます。「掃除」にはcleaning(ガラスを磨いたりすること)、sweeping(掃き掃除)、dusting(ほこりを取る)、brooming(ほうきで掃くこと)、mopping(雑巾で拭くこと)、polishing(磨くこと)などがあります。「面倒な」はtroublesomeで、「思わなかった」=「予期しなかった」とします。

(解答例)①Two months have passed since I began to live in this boarding house. I never expected that sweeping and washing would be so troublesome.

②I have lived here in my lodgings these two months. I never thought I would have so much trouble sweeping (my room) and washing (my underwear).


(ポイント1)「~の都合も聞かないで、…するのはよくない」に目をつけると、It is not proper (あるいはetiquette) for you to…without~という構文ができます。

(ポイント2)「先方の都合」は「相手の都合」=「友人の都合」としてyour friend's convenienceとなります。「いきなり訪問する」はmake a sudden call on ~, pay a sudden visit (to) ~という成句がよいです。「特に~の場合は」はespecially in the case of ~, particularly so with ~。「留守をする」はnot be at home, be away from home。

(解答例)①It is not proper for you to pay a sudden visit to your friend without asking his convenience. Especially in the case of Mr. Tanaka, he may not be at home because he often goes on trips.

②It is rude of you to make a sudden call on a person without thinking of his convenience. This is especially so with Mr. Tanaka, who is often away traveling.



(ポイント2)「雨が止んだばかり」はit had just stopped snowing.と過去完了にします。「(明朝)雪合戦がある」はthere would be a snowball fight.となります。「前の晩」はthe previous evening, the night before。「電話で知らされた」は過去完了の受身です。

It has just stopped raining.(雨が今止んだばかり。)

He said, "We shall have a test in English tomorrow."→He said that we shall (あるいはshould) have a test in English tomorrow (あるいはthe following day).

(解答例)①Early one morning when it had just stopped snowing, I went to school, as I had been told on the phone the previous evening that there would be s snowball fight.

②As it had just stopped snowing, I went to school early that morning because I had been informed on the phone the night before that we should (あるいはwould) have a snowball fight in the school yard.


(ポイント1)「歴史は人が~を覚えた時に始まった」と考えるか、「歴史が始まったのは人が~するようになった時だった」と考えてIt was when ~ that…とします。

(ポイント2)「歴史を書くようになった」は「歴史が始まった」とします。「人間が自分のしたこと」はwhat he had doneとします。「その時代に起こったこと」はwhat had happened in his dayでよいです。「記録に留める」はrecord ~で十分です。

(解答例)①History began when man learned to record what he had done and what had happened in his day.

②It was just when man learned to write down what he had done and what had occurred in his day that history began.




(解答例)①I pushed the door to against the increasing rain.

②I pushed the door and firmly closed it against the increasing rain.

このtoは副詞で、into a closed positionの意です。


(解答例)①Did you give the book back to John?

②Did you return the book to John?

「物を返却する」はgive ~back, hand ~back, returnです。


(解答例)①It took them less than ten minutes to get to the hotel.

②They got to the hotel in under ten minutes.

③They got to the hotel in less than ten minutes.



(解答例)①The last thing I want is gossip. I find it very offensive.

②I feel disgusted by gossip. I find it very offensive.

このthe lastは「最も~でない」の意です。


(解答例)①The box is light enough for child to carry.

②The box is so light that even child can carry it.



(解答例)①In any argument between her parents, Helen tries to remain silent.

②In any argument between her parents, Helen tries her best to keep quiet.

③While her parents argue, Helen tries to keep quiet.



(解答例)①Parents feel torn between work and family obligations.

②Parents must continually divide their loyalties between work and family obligations.



(解答例)8、①Every man and woman in the company is well trained.

②All employees in the company are well trained.

③All employees in the company have been well trained.



(解答例)①Betty took a ten-day trip to Europe with her.

②Betty was away for ten days touring Europe with her friends.

例えば10ドルはten dollarsですが、10ドル紙幣1枚はa ten-dollar-billです。


(解答例)①If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent discount.

②If you buy this, I will mark it down by fifteen percent.

③If you buy it, I will give you fifteen percent off.

percent、あるいはper centは「100について」の意で、percents, per centsにはなりません。ここでのfifteen percentは形容詞的な用法です。


(解答例)①There aren't any plates on the shelf.

②There are no plates on the shelf.



(解答例)①Which is the more expensive of the two?

②Which is dearer?

③Which costs more?

(解説)二者比較でof the twoと明示されている場合は強く限定されるので、比較級でも定冠詞を伴います。


(解答例)①I had hardly checked in at the hotel when he called me.

②He called me right after I had checked in at the hotel.

③He called me just moments after I had checked in at the hotel.

hardly ~when…は「~するかしないかのうちに…」の意です。


(解答例)①"How do you feel today?" "I feel much better today, thank you."

②"How are you feeling today?" "Much better, thanks."

比較級を強めるのにmuchを用います。more betterは日本製英語で間違いです。


(解答例)①I do not have to go, and neither does she.

②Neither of us have to go.

③Neither she nor I am required to go.

④Neither she nor I are required to go.


⑤Both she and I are not required to go.

d family obligations. his day that history began.us evening thet さらには次のように言うことすらあります。

⑥Both her and I are not required to go.







(ポイント2)「(急に)増えている」は現在(完了)進行形で、「~の中には…が多い」はsome of them, quite a few of themなどとします。「自身の言うことがよく通じない」はmake oneself understood (in English)を使います。

(解答例)①I hear that the number of young Japanese who go to America is rapidly increasing, and that quite a few of them cannot make themselves understood well in English.

②The number of young Japanese going to America has been rapidly increasing and it is said that quite a number of them cannot speak English well.


(ポイント1)構文的には「あまりにも~なので、…ができなくなる」に目をつけ、too ~to…, so much ~that…とします。

I have been too busy these days with my part-time job to attend to my school work.(この頃、私はアルバイトに忙しくて学校の勉強が手につかない。)

(ポイント2)「夏山ほど~なものはない」はNothing gives you more pleasure than ~を利用します。「夏山」は「夏における山」と考えて、(the) mountains in summerでもよいですが、「夏の登山」としてmountain climbing in summerがいいと思われます。

(解答例)①When summer comes round, I pay too much attention to mountain climbing to attend to my school work. Nothing in the world gives me so much pleasure as mountain climbing in summer.

②With the coming of summer, my attention gradually turns from my school work to the mountains. Nothing is more attractive to me than climbing in summertime.



(ポイント2)「うちの狭い庭」は「我々の小さな庭」と解してour small gardenとします。「ありふれた花」はordinary (あるいはcommon) flowersで、「仕事に疲れた時など」は文尾に回して「特に仕事に疲れた時」とします。「何よりの~」はnothing ~more…thanの型も利用できます。

(解答例)①There are only ordinary flowers in our small garden, and yet they give me more comfort than anything else, especially when I'm tired with my work.

②The flowers in our small garden are only common ones, but nothing else gives me more comfort when I'm exhausted with my humdrum routine(単調でおもしろくない仕事).



(ポイント2)「東京」は「東京のような大都会」と考えてもよいです。「取り戻す」はrestore, bring back, regainなど。「何か思い切った手」はsome drastic (あるいはdecisive) measuresです。「打つ」はtake, adopt, resort toなどがあります。

(解答例)①In order to restore the clear blue sky, we Tokyoites used to enjoy till ten years ago, some drastic measures should be taken immediately.

②In large cities like Tokyo, we used to have clear, blue skies until about ten years ago. We should push forward some decisive measures to bring them back again.


(ポイント1)「人はめいめい違った考え方を持っている」は「十人十色」の意味で、Every man has his way (of thinking).とかEach man has his own mind.あるいはSo many men, so many minds.などが利用できるでしょう。

(ポイント2)「話し合い」はconsultation(相談)、discussion(論議)などです。「無用になるだろう」はit is not necessary to ~かthere will be no need (for ~to… )の型がよいと思われます。

There would be no need for negotiation.(妥協の必要は無い。)

(解答例)①Men differ in opinion. If they thought in the same way, then it would no longer be necessary to hold a consultation.

②"So many men, so many minds," as the proverb says. If we had the same minds, what need would there be for discussion?



(ポイント2)「小高い丘」はa small hillかa low hillがいいです。「辺りは静か」はit is quiet here.とし、「(空気は)新鮮で澄んでいる」は(the air is) fresh and clean.とします。「格好な場所」は「いい場所」「理想的な場所」としてa good (an ideal) placeとし、「勉強するにも運動するにも」は(both) for study and sportsでよいでしょう。

(解答例)①Our university stands on a small hill. It is very quiet here and the air is fresh and clean. This is indeed a very good place ( to stay in ) both for study and sports.

②Our college is located on a low hill in quiet surroundings and fresh, clean air. You will see here (あるいはIt is) an ideal place for study and sports.


(ポイント1)「本を読んだら」はWhen you have read a book, ~の型です。

When you have done with this work, you may go home.(この仕事をしてしまったら、帰ってもよろしい。)

(ポイント2)「要約」は(the) summary, gist, outlineなどです。「感想」は「印象」と解してimpressionとします。問題は「身につく」で、これは「自分のものにする(make it one's own)」 と考えてもよいし、「咀嚼(そしゃく)する(digest)」としてもよいでしょう。

(解答例)①When you have read a book, try to write down an outline and your impressions of it, and you'll be able to understand it better and digest it thoroughly.

②When you have got through a book, try to put down the gist of it and the impression you've got from it, and then you'll be able to grasp the main idea of it better and make it your own.


(ポイント1)「昔」の英訳はやっかいです。ここでは「以前は」ぐらいの意味で、in former days, formerlyなどが考えられます。その他にThere used to (be)などが使えます。

She is not what she used to be.(彼女は昔の彼女ではない。)

There used to be a factory here.(昔はここに工場があった。)

(ポイント2)「流行しだす」はbegin to prevail, become (あるいはget) popularとします。また、「本を読む人がなくなる」と言っても、一人も読まなくなる意ではないでしょう。「言ったものだ」は「~と言った人もいた」と考えます。「かたい本」はsolid books, solid readingsでよいです。「相当いる」は「かなり多数の人々」で、quite a few people, many peopleなどがあります。「心強い」はencouraging(形容詞)を使って、it is encouraging (that) ~型にします。

(解答例)①People used to say that if television became popular, people would give up reading. But it is encouraging that even today there are quite a few people who turn to solid readings.

②People once predicted that if television got popular, few would turn to solid books. Even today, however, many people become absorbed in serious readings, which will give you some encouragement.


(ポイント1)一見平凡な問題ですが、よく見ると注意すべき点があります。まず、「ワシントンの父」ですが、もしGeorge Washingtonのことなら、父もWashingtonです。ウェブスター人名辞典によると、父の名はAugustine Washingtonと言います。

(ポイント2)構文はKnowing that ~と分詞構文にします。「大事にしていた桜の木」はhis cherished cherry treeとする。「ワシントンの父」はGeorge's fatherとする。「怒るどころか」はinstead of getting angryであり、「~のことをほめる」はpraise (him) for ~の型です。また、「過ちを隠さないことをほめた」=「彼の正直さをほめた」と考えます。

(解答例)①Knowing that his cherished cherry tree had been cut down, George's father, instead of getting angry, praised his son for his honesty.

②Learning how miserably his valued cherry tree had been cut down, Augustine Washington, instead of getting mad, praised his son George for confessing his fault.




(ポイント2)「何の前触れもなしに」はwithout noticeでもパスしますが、一歩進めて「突然の訪問(a sudden visit, a surprise visit)」とします。「さあ」=「どうぞ」。「お楽に」はmake yourself at homeです。「ずっと前から~したかった」=「ずっと前に~すべきであったのに」(仮定法)。

(解答例)①"Excuse me for my surprise visit." "Oh, it's alright. Please sit down and make yourself at home. To tell the truth, I wanted to meet you much earlier."

②"Excuse me for my sudden visit." "Oh, it's quite alright. Please take a seat and relax. To be honest, I should have seen you much earlier."




(解答例)①It rains here twice as often as on the plain.

②We get twice as much rain here than they do on the plain.

③We got double the amount of rain that they get on the plain.

同等比較のas ~ asに倍数詞を前置して「~倍」を表す用法です。この場合のasの品詞について見てみると、前者は副詞、後者は接続詞です。


(解答例)①John will never succeed in learning Russian, however hard he tries.

②No matter how hard he tries, John will never successfully learn Russian.



(解答例)①We still don't know where the plane will land.

②We're still not sure just where the plane is going to land.



(解答例)①He called Roosevelt one of the greatest Americans this country has ever produced.

②He named Roosevelt one of the greatest Americans of all time.



(解答例)①In the crowded bus she was robbed of what little money she had.

②The small amount of money she had was stolen from her on the crowded bus.

このwhatは関係副詞です。What money she hadは「彼女の手持ちの金全部」の意です。littleが追加されて、「なけなしの金」の意味になります。


(解答例)①No other person than you would put up with such an unruly child.

②Only someone like you would put up with such an unruly child.

no other~than…は「…以外の~」の意です。


(解答例)①There is hardly any coffee left in the pot.

②There is very little coffee left in the pot.



(解答例)①Mother gets up earlier than anybody else in our family.

②Mother gets up earliest in our family.



(解答例)①The fire isn't hot enough to heat the kettle.

②The fire isn't very hot, so it won't heat the kettle.



(解答例)①I have never met so reliable a person as he.

②He is the most reliable person I have ever met.

形容詞・副詞の前置され、「それほど、そんなに」の意のsoが、「不定冠詞+形容詞+名詞」に追加して用いられる時は、so reliable a personの語順になります。


(解答例)①England is less mountainous than Scotland.

②Scotland is more mountainous than England.



(解答例)①There were no less than twelve canaries in the cage.

②There were as many as twelve canaries in the cage.

no less than~は「(数・量の多いこと、程度の大きいことを表す)~も」の意。


(解答例)①No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.

②As soon as he saw me, he ran away.

①の構文ではno soonerの後には過去完了時制で倒置、thanの後には過去時制が用いられるのが普通です。


(解答例)①This trading firm is understaffed.

②This trading firm does not have as many clerks as it should have.

形容詞understaffedは「職員不足の、手不足の」の意です。このunderは「不足して」の意の接頭語です。類語としてundersized, undermannedなどがあります。





(ポイント1)「~人々の悩みは…である」に目をつけると、The problem for those who~is that…という構文ができます。

The only problem for the couple was that they had no condition to depend upon in their old age.(この夫婦にとって唯一の悩みは老後に頼りになる子供が無いということだった。)

(ポイント2)「郊外の住宅地」はここでは「郊外の彼らの家」と考えた方がよいです。「すでに(最終バスは)出てしまっており」は現在完了形(the last bus has already gone)の型です。もしくはthey will often find the last bus gone=~find (that ) the last bus (is ) goneなど。「なかなか来ない」=「長い間待たねばならない」とします。

(解答例)①The problem for those who go back from work to their homes in the suburbs late at night is that they often find the last bus has already gone and they have to wait a long time for a taxi to pick them up.

②The problem for those people living in the suburbs is that they will often find themselves too late at night for the last bus and they have to wait a long time for a taxi to take them home.




(解答例)①I was really surprised when my friend from America said to me : "Does Mt. Fuji really exist in Japan?" According to him, he has never seen Mt. Fuji or anything that looks like it.

②It was a great surprise to me when I heard my American friend say : "Is there really Mt. Fuji in Japan?" He said (that) he had not yet seen a mountain that looked to him like the real one.



(ポイント2)「どっちかと言えば」は「私に関する限りは」と考えると、As (あるいはSo) far as I'm concernedとか、As for meなどとなります「腕を磨く」は結局「上達する」意なので、improve ~が最適でしょう。

(解答例)①So far as I'm concerned, I prefer the cold of winter to the heat of summer. It is because I want to practice skiing a lot more to improve my technique.

②As for me, I like the cold of winter better than the heat of summer. The reason is that I want to practice skiing more and more to improve my skill (of skiing).



(ポイント2)「長雨」はa long spell of rainy (あるいはwet) weatherです。「うんざりする」はWhat a bore!(何て退屈なんだ。)などです。「カラっと晴れた」はclear (sky)でよいです。「拝める」=「見る」としてsee、またはenjoyです。「思っている」はI'm wondering (when~)の型で表現します。

(解答例)①What a bore! We've already had such a long spell of wet weather. Now I'm wondering when we'll be able to see a clear blue sky.

②It's been raining for weeks. What a bore! I'm wondering when we shall have a clear blue sky again.


(ポイント1)構文はI had not been~when…です。これはHe had scarcely gone a mile when rain came down.(一マイルと行くか行かないかのうちに雨が降り出した。)の原型です。

(ポイント2)「~に着いて」をarrivedと直訳してはいけません。これだと「一週間滞在した」が続きません。beとかstayといった動詞を使います。「本社」はa head officeで、ちなみに「支社」はa branch (office)です。「飛ぶ」はflyでよいです。

He flew over to Japan from San Francisco.(彼は空路サンフランシスコから日本にやって来た。)

(解答例)①I had not been in New York for a week when a telegram came from my Tokyo head office, ordering me to fly over to London.

②I had not been a week in New York before I received a telegram from the head office in Tokyo, which ordered me to fly over to our London branch.


(ポイント1)「~という今日でも」に目をつけると、Even these days when~という型になります。次に「やはり大変なのだ」をどう訳すかです。まず、「決して容易ではない」と考えると、it is by no means an easy matter for~to…となります。

(ポイント2)「ジェット旅客機」はa jetです。「地球の裏側」はthe opposite (あるいはthe other) side of the worldです。「一般の人」は「(一般の)大衆」ですから、the common (あるいはthe ordinary) run of people, the mass of people, the massesなどとします。

(解答例)①Even these days when you can get to the opposite side of the world in a day or two by jet, it is by no means easy matter for ordinary people to go abroad.

②This is an age when you can fly over to the other side of the world in a day or two. It is, however, by no means easy for the common run of people to travel overseas.



(ポイント2)「かれこれ」=「約」。「ろくに」=「満足に」=「上手に」。「情けなくなる」=「惨めに感じる(feel miserable)」=「恥ずかしくなる(feel ashamed of ~)」などです。

(解答例)①It's about ten years since I began to study English, and yet I'm still very poor at speaking. As for writing, I cannot do well even with a simple letter. Thinking of it makes me feel awfully miserable.

②I have been studying English these ten years, but to tell the truth, I'm still poor both at speaking and at writing. I'm really ashamed!



(ポイント2)「それからの数日間」にはfor (あるいはin) the days that (to) follow (あるいはfor the following days)とかfor some days to comeなどです。「一日千秋の思いで待つ」=「いらいらして待つ」=wait impatiently for ~です。「日一日と過ぎ去った」はas days went onです。「何の返事も無かった」は次例参照。

There was no response (from her ) to his appeal. = There was no reply to his letter.(「彼の要請に対して何の応答も無かった」=「彼の手紙に対して何の返事も無かった」。)

(解答例)①In the days that followed, he waited impatiently for her reply. As days went on, however, there came no response to his pathetic appeal.

②For the days to follow, he was waiting and waiting for her answer. Though days came and went, no answer came to his letter.



(ポイント2)「初対面の人」は「未知の人」なので、a strangerでよいです。「無愛想な」は「社交嫌いな」=unsociableです。「ぶっきらぼうの」はbrusqueなどの他に、米語のa bad mixer(交際の下手な人)が使えます。「よく付き合う」=「よく知るようになる」はget to know ~ betterと考えてもよいですし、come in closer contact with ~, get better acquainted with ~などが考えられます。「なかなか」=「彼一流に」=in his way。「思いやりがあって」はconsiderateでよいです。「おもしろい男」がやや難点で、「愉快な(ユーモアのある)男」としてhumorous (あるいはjolly) fellow、「いい男」ならa fine (あるいはnice) manです。

(解答例)①He looks unsociable to a stranger, but if you get to know him better, you'll find that he is a considerate and jolly fellow.

②He looks brusque at first, but if you get in closer touch with him, you will find him considerate and agreeable in his way.


(ポイント1)「辞書は時計のようなものだ」を直訳すると、A dictionary is like a clock.となりますが、これでは「辞書は時計のように正確なものだ」となります。原文から考えると、「辞書は時計のように頼りないものだ」と解すべきでしょう。

(ポイント2)「いい加減な辞書なら」は「もしそれが信頼できないものなら」と考えます。「無い方がましだ」はyou can do well without ~とします。「完全に期待することはできない」は部分否定になります。

You cannot do without money even for a day.(一日でも金無しには済まされない。)

You cannot expect it to work completely.(それには完全には期待できない。)

(解答例)①A dictionary is like a clock. If it is unreliable, you can do well without it. Even if it is the best one, you can hardly expect complete correctness from it.

②A dictionary, like a clock is unreliable. This being the case, you may do better without it. Even when it is the best of its kind, you can hardly expect absolute correctness of it.




(解答例)①I wish you a Happy New Year.

②A happy New Year!



(解答例)①You are not supposed to park here.

②You are not allowed to park here.

③You shouldn't park here.



(解答例)①It would be quite safe to talk about the weather.

②It would be quite safe talking about the weather.

③It would be quite safe to discuss the weather.

talk about~はhave as the subject of discussion(話題にする)の意です。


(解答例)①He wasn't told the truth.

②They didn't tell him the truth.


(解答例)①I think I'll come and see you soon.

②I think I'll visit you soon.



(解答例)①You've become so pretty. I can hardly recognize you.

②You've become so pretty. I hardly know you.



(解答例)①What would happen if no alternative fuel to petroleum could be found?

②What will happen if an alternative to petroleum cannot be found?



(解答例)①My father would often go fishing in the nearby river.

②My father regularly went fishing in the nearby river.

このwouldは過去の習慣を表すもので、oftenを伴うことが多く、過去の不規則な反復行為を示します。「魚釣りに行く」はgo fishingです。

(参考)go climbing, go hunting, go skating, go shopping.


(解答例)①He married in haste only to repent at leisure.

②He slowly began to realize what a mistake it had been to marry in such haste.

①のto repentは「結果」を表す不定詞の副詞的用法です。また、①は文語調です。


(解答例)①Go with him even if you don't want to.

②You should go with him even if it is something you don't want to do.



(解答例)①The boss is talking about giving you a rise.

②The boss is talking about a wage increase for you.


(解答例)①Helen graduated from college long time before her younger sister did.

②Helen graduated college long time before her younger sister did.

③Helen graduated from college quite some time before her little sister did.

④Helen graduated from college quite some time before her little sister.

動詞の反復を避けるための代動詞の用法です。なお、アメリカ英語では②のようにgraduate college=graduate from collegeとして用いられることがありますが、日本人が書き、話す英語としては、①のようにgraduate from collegeとした方が無難です。また、次の文章は文脈により、「大学を卒業した」意味にもなり、「大学を中退した」の意味にもなります。

Helen finished college quite some time before her little sister did.


(解答例)①They say that the depression is becoming serious.

②It's been reported that the depression is worsening.

③They say the depression is getting worse.



(解答例)①"Why not take a taxi?" "I think I will. Here's one coming.…Taxi!"

②"You might as well take a taxi." "You are right. Look, here's one.…Taxi!"



(解答例)①I have just been to the airport to see my friends off.

②I just came back from seeing my friends off at the airport.

have been to ~には「~に行って来たところだ」と「~に行ったことがある」の両方の意味があります。このsee ~ offは「~を見送る」の意です。





(ポイント1)「武蔵野を散歩する人~」を直訳すれば、One who takes a walk on the Musashino plainsとなりますが、これは日本人的な発想です。英米人なら「もし君が~を散歩しようと思ったら…」となるでしょう。

(ポイント2)「足の向くままに進めば~」は「君の選んだ道を進みなさい。そうすれば、君はきっと…」と考えます。「道に迷う」はlose one's way。「苦にする」はworry about ~。「~する値打ちのある獲物」=「~する時間を費やすだけの価値あるもの」=something that is worth your while to ~。

(解答例)①If you want to take a stroll on the Musashino plains, don't worry about losing your way. Just follow the path you've chosen and you'll be sure to come across something that is worth your while to see, to hear or to appreciate.

②When you take a walk through the Musashino plains, you should not worry about losing your way. Walk about freely and you'll certainly see something worth looking at, listening to or admiring.


(ポイント1)基本型の問題です。「少ないようだ」に目をつけると、It seems that very few people ~の構文ができます。

(ポイント2)「実際、自分で経験したこと」はwhat they have actually experiencedです。「目の当たりに見えるように」は次の「生き生き」と結びつけて、as vividly as if ~です。「目の当たりに見る」は直訳すると、as if it were happening before your eyesなどです。「きわめて少ない」=「~はきわめて少数である」=very few people (can) ~。

(解答例)①It seems that very few people can describe what they have actually experienced as vividly as if it were happening right before your eyes.

②There seem to be very few people who have the ability to recount their personal experiences in such a way that makes them vivid and real.



(ポイント2)「余りにも~であった」はtoo ~ to…の型で訳します。「想像力に富み」はimaginativeでよいです。「詩人肌の」=「詩的な」=poetic。「財を求める」はseek fortune。「百姓生活で」=「農夫として」。「もっぱら」=「ただ~だけ」。

Ryu (A Chinese dragon) is an imaginary animal.(中国の龍は架空の動物である。)

(解答例)①He was too imaginative and too poetic to seek fortune for himself. What he wanted as a farmer was beauty ― nothing but beauty.

②He was so imaginative and poetic by nature that he never sought fortune for himself. All (that) he had wanted to gain as a farmer was beauty and nothing else.


(ポイント1)「泳げるほどの川(じゃない)」「飲み水になりそうな水」に注目します。「小川」にはbrook, brookletなどがありますが、アメリカではcreekと呼んでいます。streamとしてもよいです。

(ポイント2)「少し行ったところに」はa little way (あるいはahead)。「泳げるほどの(大きな)川じゃない」はIt isn't large enough for you to swim in.「飲み水になりそう」=「飲めるくらい」=(good) to drink, for drinking。

(解答例)①A little way on you'll come to a small stream. It isn't large enough for you to swim in, but clean and cool enough for drinking.

②When you walk a little way ahead, you'll find a small creek. It isn't a large one to swim in, but it looks clean and cool enough to drink.



(ポイント2)「昼食を食べる」はhave (あるいはeat) lunchです。「通りに出る」はgo out into a streetです。「肩を軽く叩く」はtap ~ on the shoulderです。「振り向く」はturn round。友人は呼び捨てでよいので、「君」「ちゃん」は敬称不要と覚えます。

(解答例)①When I went out into the street, after having lunch in a restaurant, someone tapped me on the shoulder. Turning round, I saw my old friend Yamada, whom I had not seen for several years.

②After eating lunch at a restaurant, I was walking down a street when someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. I turned round and found Yamada, an old friend whom I hadn't met for years, standing right behind me.




(解答例)①I wonder if you can help me.

②I wonder if you could help me.



(解答例)①Left to herself, she began to weep.

②Being left to herself, she began to weep.

③When she was left to herself, she began to weep.



(解答例)①The noise of the heavy traffic kept me awake all night.

②The noise from the heavy traffic kept me awake all night.



(解答例)①I found the chair comfortable when I sat on it.

②The chair was very comfortable to sit on.



(解答例)①She has been busy preparing for the coming trip to the U.S.

②She has been busy getting ready for the coming trip to the U.S.

③She has been busy with preparations for the coming trip to the U.S.



(解答例)①What differences can you see between the two things painted here?

②What are the differences between the two things painted here?

③Can you see the differences between the two things painted here? What are they?

The two things were painted here.から、このpaintedが理解できます。


(解答例)①He sat there with his legs crossed.

②He sat cross-legged.

His legs were crossed.から、このcrossedが理解できます。withは付帯状況を表します。


(解答例)①I had not waited long before she turned up.

②I didn't wait long before she turned up.

③I didn't have to wait long before she arrived.

「彼女が現われる前、私は長く待たなかった」を逐語訳すると、英語らしい言い方になります。時間的な経過から①が正しいことは明らかですが、口語では②のように言うことも多いです。このturn upは「現われる(appear)」の意です。


(解答例)①By the year 2020, the population of our city will have doubled.

②By the year 2020, the population of our city will be twice what it is now.



(解答例)①If it isn't out of your way, please take this letter to the post office.

②If it's on your way, would you mind taking this letter to the post office.

このtakeは「持って行く」の意です。out of~は「~の範囲外に」の意です。


(解答例)①Geography is the science that is concerned with the earth and its climate, products and inhabitants.

②Geography is the science that deals with the earth and its climate, products and inhabitants.

③Geography is the science related to the earth and its climate, products and inhabitants.



(解答例)①I owe it entirely to you that I have succeeded in the attempt.

②It's because of you that I have succeeded in the attempt.



(解答例)①Please remember to put out the light before you go to bed.

②Don't forget to put out the light before you go to bed.

③Don't forget to turn off the light before you go to bed.



(解答例)①You had better not read this book.

②I don't think you should read this book.

had betterには原形不定詞が続き、その打消し語は原形不定詞の直前に置かれます。


(解答例)①Would you mind lending me your dictionary?

②May I borrow your dictionary?

③Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?







(ポイント2)「イギリス人」はthe English(複数)、an Englishman。「一見すると」はat first sight, at a glance。「無愛想な」はunsociable, brusque。「得がたい」=「信頼し得る」=reliable。「いったん知り合いになると」はonce you come to know~。

(解答例)①An Englishman is brusque at a glance, but once you come to know him, you'll find in him something very reliable.

②The English are unsociable at first sight, but once you get acquainted with them, they prove most valuable as friends.


(ポイント1)「我々の泊ったホテルは~にあった」は、関係代名詞を使ってThe hotel at which we put up~を文頭に出すか、「我々は~にあるホテルに泊った」と考えます。

(ポイント2)「小高い丘」は「小さい丘」と考えて、a small hill (あるいはa low hill)とします。第二文は「我々は…すばらしい眺めをもった」をまず訳し、…は文尾につけます。「紺碧の海に散在する岩山」はrocky islets scattered over the sea, the blue sea dotted with rocky isletsとします。

(解答例)①The hotel at which we put up was located on the top of a small hill, and we had a fine view of the surrounding scenery ―white sands, green pine trees and rocky islets scattered over the sea.

②We put up at a hotel that was located on the hilltop, from which we enjoyed a splendid view of the surroundings ―white sands, green pines, and the blue sea dotted with rocky islets.




(ポイント2)「一緒に~参りましょうか」はShall I come along with you?が最も普通の表現ですが、Shall I accompany you?と言ってもよいです。Shall I go with you?はやや劣ります。「(ずいぶん)変わったでしょうね」は「変わったと思う」「きっと変わったに違いない」と考えます。「いや、結構です」はNo, thank you.でよいです。「分かる」は「認識できる」意なので、recognizeが適語です。

I couldn't recognize him for a moment.(彼が誰だかちょっと分からなかった。)

(解答例)①"Shall I come along with you to meet her at the station? She must have changed a good deal." "No, thanks. Though I haven't seen her for a long time, I think I can recognize her."

②"Shall I accompany you to meet her at the station? I think she has changed quite a lot." "No, I don't think so. I will be able to recognize her at once even though I haven't seen her for years."


(ポイント1)「~のように考える者がある」に目をつけると、There are people who (think that~), Some people believe that~の型が浮かびます。

(ポイント2)「明治時代」はthe Meiji eraです。「野蛮国」は直訳的にはa savage (あるいはbarbarous) countryですが、uncivilizedを使ってみるとよいでしょう。「一躍して」はat a bound。「突然として」はsuddenly, (all) of a suddenなど。「そうじゃない」=「それは本当じゃない」=it isn't true.また、「明治(時代)以前に」と補います。「立派な文明」=「高い(進んだ)文明」。

(解答例)①There are people who think that Japan was an uncivilized country till the Meiji era when she suddenly attained a civilized state. But it isn't true. We already possessed a pretty much advanced civilization before the Meiji era.

②Some people believe that Japan was still an uncivilized country before the Meiji era and that she became civilized overnight. But it isn't the case. Japan had a high civilization of her own years before the Meiji era.




(ポイント2)「最近の発明品」はa recent invention。「~の必要な一部」はa necessary part of ~。「文明の産物」はa modern invention, a modern convenience。「独自の方法」はin one's (own) way。

(解答例)①Though television is a rather recent invention, how rapidly it has become a necessary part of our daily life! All you have to do is amuse yourselves with it as you like.

②Young as TV history is, this invention has rapidly become a necessary part of our daily life. All you have to do is enjoy it in your own way.




(解答例)①"Let's get a cup of coffee." "Not now. I don't want to stop studying."

②"Let's go for a cup of coffee." "Not now. I don't want to interrupt my study."

stop studyingは「studyすることをstopする」の意です。stop to studyは「studyするためにstopする」の意です。


(解答例)①The men in the mines stopped working when they heard the whistle blow.

②The men in the mines stopped working when they heard the whistle blowing.



(解答例)①I will have my sister wash my shirts.

②I will get my sister to wash my shirts.



(解答例)①The poor old woman had her bag stolen again.

②The poor old woman's bag was stolen again.



(解答例)①Not knowing what to do, I asked her for help.

②Since I did not know what to do, I asked her for help.



(解答例)①While staying in London, I visited the British Museum.

②I visited the British Museum when I was in London.



(解答例)①This being the case, I had little to say.

②Since this was the case, I had little to say.



(解答例)①I was disappointed at there being so little to do.

②I was disappointed that there is so little to do.

there is ~構文でthereを主語と見るには問題がありますが、形の上では主語の位置にあるのでthere being ~となります。


(解答例)①If he had known, he might have come earlier.

②He probably would have come earlier if he had known.



(解答例)①It's about time you sent the children to bed.

②It's about time the children went to bed.



(解答例)①Please close the door when you leave.

②Please close the door on your way out.



(解答例)①John has not come yet, but when he does, I will call you.

②John hasn't come yet, but as soon as he does I'll call you.

動詞の反復を避ける代動詞doの用法です。時を表わす副詞節なので、現在形does ( = comes)で意味上の未来を表わしています。


(解答例)①When she was young, she would never eat anything fattening.

②When she was young, she refused to eat anything fattening.



(解答例)①When I was a child, I used to go to the seashore every summer.

②Every summer, when I was a child, I used to go to the seashore.

「過去の習慣的な習慣」を表わすused to ~の用法です。used to ~は長期間にわたる常習的な行為や状態を表わすほか、「以前は~したものだった」と現在との比較で過去の事実を客観的に述べる用法があります。


(解答例)①Everybody in the picture is smiling happily.

②Everybody looks so happy in the picture.

③Everyone has such big smiles in the picture.

④Everyone looks so smiley in the picture.

every ~及びeach ~は単数動詞で受けます。






(ポイント2)「数年ぶりで」はafter several year's absence。「帰省する」はcome homeでよいです。「(空気は)おいしい」=「(空気は)新鮮で純粋」と考えると、fresh and pureとなります。「このことは」以下は現在形にします。「(空気が)きたない」=「(空気が)汚れている」と解して、~is pollutedです。

I met him after an interval of ten years.

(解答例)①My uncle, who came home after several years' absence, said that the air of Kumamoto was fresh and pure. This shows how polluted the air is in the city where he lives.

②My uncle came (back) home after a few years' absence and said, "The air of Kumamoto smells good." This shows how dirty the air of the city he lives in is.



(ポイント2)「やむを得ない用事」はurgent business。「お訪ねする」は「別れの挨拶を述べる」と考えて、bon voyage (= good luck)などとしてもよいです。「せめて~」以下は、I wish you could have stayed ~の型で表現します。

(解答例)①I'm sorry to say that some urgent business prevented me from calling on you before you left Japan. I wish you could have stayed here at least one more year.

②I'm sorry I failed to say "bon voyage" to you before you left Japan. To tell the truth, I had something urgent to do. I sincerely wish you could have stayed here another year or two.






(ポイント2)「何べんぐらい~」はhow many times。「忘れました」=「記憶していない」=「思い出せない」と考えます。「いつか」some day→「近い将来に」in the near future。「世界旅行をする」はmake a tour round the world, go on a round -the -world trip。「ところで」はincidentally, by the way。「~で感じること」=「私の心を打つこと」=what strikes me most (is ~)。

Hopping Around the World(「世界の旅」)

(解答例)①"How many times have you been abroad?"

"I can't remember exactly."

"I'd like to make a tour round the world some day."

"Incidentally, what strikes me most whenever I'm away in a foreign land, is that people know little or nothing about Japan."

②"How often have you been abroad?

"Well, I can't remember the exact number of times."

"I'd like to go abroad myself some day."

"By the way, what impresses me most whenever I'm away from Japan, is that people know practically nothing of Japan."


(ポイント1)「何千年来」の訳をfor thousands of yearsとすると、これは数万年、時には数十万年にもわたる長い年月を指すことになります。英語のthousandの単位は999,999(九十九万九千九百九十九)までであり、そんな大昔に偉い天文学者がいたというのは不自然です。

(ポイント2)「何千年来」はfrom a very early ageかsince the dawn of history(有史以来)ぐらいでしょうか。簡単にfor (many) ages, through all agesでもよいです。「天文学者」はastronomers。「宇宙の謎」はthe mysteries of the universe。「未だに分からないこと」はthere still remain many things to be verified。

(解答例)①Since the dawn of history, quite a number astronomers have been trying hard to solve the mysteries of the universe, but there still remain many things to be learned.

②Great astronomers have been making efforts to clarify the mysteries of the universe for ages, but there still remain lots of things yet to be verified.




(ポイント2)「今や~だ」はThis is the age of ~, There is an angling boom ~の型です。「釣り人口一千万」はThere are about 10,000,000 anglers.とします。「惹き付けるもの」はsomething that attracts (あるいはappeals to)。「現代人」はmodern people。「論より証拠」=「とにかく(at any rate)」=「とにかくやってみよう(Let's try (it) and see, anyway.)」などです。「ヒマな日曜日に」=one Sunday when we are free。

(解答例①"There is an angling boom at the moment and about 10,000,000 anglers in the country, so I'm told. I wonder what there is in it that appeals to modern people?"

"Let's try it and see, anyway. How would you like to go fishing together on Sunday when we are free."

②"There's a fishing boom, they say, and some 10 million anglers in the country. What is it in angling that attracts modern people so much, I wonder?"




(解答例)①You should have done it earlier. It cannot be helped now.

②It should have been done sooner. Still, it can't be helped now.

③It should have been done before, but there's nothing we can do now.

should doの過去形はshould have doneの形になります。It cannot be helped.は「仕方が無い、どうしようもない」の意です。


(解答例)①We have no choice but compromise.

②We have no choice but to compromise.

③We cannot help compromising.

④We cannot help but compromise.



(解答例)①They have long done away with this practice.

②This practice has long been done away with.

do away with~は「~を除く、~を廃止する」の意で、受動態で用いられることも多いです。


(解答例)①I heard him call out for help.

②He was heard to call out for help.

知覚動詞に続く原形不定詞は、受動態ではto不定詞になります。なお、このcall outは「大声で言う」の意です。


(解答例)①Her mother never let her go out alone at night.

②Her mother never allowed her to go out alone at night.

使役動詞のうち、原形不定詞を伴うものはlet, make, haveで、to不定詞を伴うものはget, allowです。


(解答例)①He is said to have been the richest man in the village.

②It is said that he was the richest man in the village.



(解答例)①Does your remark refer to me?

②Are you talking about me?



(解答例)①You always remind me of your brother.

②I never see you without remembering your brother.



(解答例)①He can't have done the work by himself.

②He couldn't have done the work by himself.

③It is impossible that he has done the work by himself.

過去のことについての確信のある否定の推量を表わす「cannot have+過去分詞」の用法です。①と②はほぼ同義です。なお、for himselfに「独力で」の意味もありますが、by himselfとした方が「独力で」の意味が鮮明になります。


(解答例)①You should have started earlier.

②You ought to have started earlier.

③It is regrettable that you did not start earlier.

「should have+過去分詞」「ought to have+過去分詞」の形で、「(当然)~すべきであった」の意です。


(解答例)①Jim was afraid of someone opposing his plan.

②Jim was afraid that someone might oppose his plan.



(解答例)①There was no doubt of his having heard the news.

②There was no doubt that he had heard the news.



(解答例)①You are prohibited from smoking in public.

②You must not smoke in public.



(解答例)①The man has to work hard to feed, clothe, and house his large family.

②The man has to work hard to buy food and clothes for his large family and also to allow them to live in a house.






(ポイント1)構文は、「なるほど~だが、しかし…」の意にとって、It is true that ~, but…やIndeed, ~ but…などが適当です。

(ポイント2)「東京の街」は「東京の街路」なので、the city streets of Tokyo, Tokyo streets。「見違えるほど」は「信じられないほど」の意にとって、unbelievably, incrediblyなどです。「きれいになる」はbeautifyという動詞を使います。be made clean and beautifulでもよいです。「水や住宅やゴミ…」は後に回して、「未解決の問題がある。即ち…など」とします。「水」はwater supply。「住宅」はhousing shortage。「ゴミ」はrefuse disposal(ゴミ処理)。

(解答例)①It is true that the city streets of Tokyo have been unbelievably beautified, but there are still lots of problems to be solved, such as water supply, housing shortage, refuse disposal, etc.

②Indeed, Tokyo streets have been made remarkably clean and beautiful; there still remain lots of other problems to be solved, ―the problems of water, housing and domestic waste.


(ポイント1)「どうかなさいましたか」をWhat's happened?やWhat's the matter?ではマズいでしょう。ここは「何かお助けすることはありますか」と考えて、May I help you, sir?などがよいです。「駅のアナウンス」も一考を要します。

(ポイント2)「困っている」はbe in trouble。「思い切って」=「あえて~する」=dare to do。「駅のアナウンス」は「駅員のアナウンス」と解して、a railway man's announcementとか、「駅員が(マイクで)言っていること」であるから、what the announcement (あるいはrailway man) is saying (over the loudspeaker)とする。「何のこと」=「~の意味」。

(解答例)①There was a foreigner who seemed to be in trouble, so I went to him and asked, "May I help you, sir?" He said he couldn't understand what the railway man was saying over the loudspeaker and asked me to explain it to him.

②I happened to see a foreigner who seemed to be in trouble, so I asked him. "Excuse me , but can I help you?" He said he couldn't follow the railway announcement and asked me to explain it to him.



(ポイント2)この構文は、「~する人は多いが、…する人は少ない」と考えると簡単になります。「運動競技」は「戸外のスポーツやゲーム」と解して、(do) outdoor sports, (play) outdoor gamesとします。「盛んな~」は「~人がたくさんいる」と考えます。「楽しむ機会が少ない」=「楽しむ人が少ない」。「~のは残念だ」はit is regrettable, it is a pity that ~。

(解答例)①Though lots of people enjoy watching outdoor games these days, it is regrettable that very few of them play games themselves.

②Lots of people enjoy watching outdoor sports, it is true, but, regrettably, very few of them practice them themselves.


(ポイント1)「~という時代がやって来る」に目をつけると、The time will come when ~という構文ができます。

(ポイント2)「石油時代」はthe age of petroleum。「やがて」はsooner or later。「原子力」はnuclear (あるいはatomic) energy。「太陽熱」はheat from the sun。「置換される」はbe replaced by ~, (能動態にして)take its place。

(解答例)①The time will come sooner or later, some people say, when the age of petroleum will be gone, replaced by some other form of energy, say, nuclear energy or heat from the sun.

②People say that it will not be long before the present age of petroleum is gone forever and some other form of energy, atomic power or heat from the sun, takes its place.

(解説)The time will come when~とIt will not be long before~に続く節の時制に注意します。


(ポイント1)構文はThere is a wide difference between A and Bの型です。「学生に対する考え方」「西欧社会」をどう訳すかが問題です。

(ポイント2)「学生に対する考え方」=「学生の社会的地位を考えると」。「学生」=「大学生」。「西欧社会」=「欧州」。「一口に言うなら」=「一口に言って」=in a word、または「換言すれば」=in other wordsとします。「まだ子供だ」=「まだひよっこだ」と考えて、fledgling(毛の生えそろわないひな鳥)とか、「未熟な」としてgreenなどを用います。「一人前の大人」はa grown-up, an adult, fully-fledged(形容詞), fully-grown(形容詞)などです。

(解答例)①There is a wide difference in view between Europeans and Japanese on the subject of college students. In other words, in Europe they are still regarded as fledglings, while, in Japan, they are looked upon as fully-fledged.

②So far as college students are concerned, Europeans have a different view-point from Japanese. That is to say, college students in Europe are still thought of as green while in Japan they are treated as fully-grown.




(解答例)①The heat told on him.

②The heat wore him down.


類例:effect on him, pressure on him

なお、「~に告げ口する」の意のtell on~というイディオムがあります。


(解答例)①The conditions under which the laborers in the country work are very bad.

②Working conditions for laborers in the country are very bad.

The conditions are very bad.+The laborers in the country work under the conditions.が①です。このunderは「(ある状況・状態の)もとで」を示します。


(解答例)①Please come to see us on your next visit to Tokyo.

②Please come and see us next time you visit Tokyo.

このonは「~の時点で(at the same time)」の意です。


(解答例)①She lived abroad for five years.

②She lived overseas for five years.



(解答例)①It seems that there is no Japanese word for it.

②There doesn't seem to be a word in Japanese for it.

③There doesn't appear to be a word in Japanese for it.


参考文:Rubella is the medical term for German measles.


(解答例)①The company spends a lot of money on advertising.

②The company has a large advertising budget.



(解答例)①Fires often break out from the careless handling of tobacco.

②The careless use of tobacco causes a lot of fires.



(解答例)①By the year 2000 the world population will most likely have grown by a billion.

②The world's population will probably increase by a billion by the year 2000.



(解答例)①Many developing countries have fear of economic domination.

②Many developing nations fear economic domination.



(解答例)①The novel affected my outlook on life.

②The novel changed my outlook on life.

③The novel changed the way I view life.

④The novel changed the way I see things.



(解答例)①We have to distinguish right from wrong.

②We must be able to identify good from bad.



(解答例)①The developing countries are well behind the developed world in science and technology.

②The developing countries are well behind the developed world when it comes to science and technology.



(解答例)①The matter is still under discussion.

②The matter is still being discussed.



(解答例)①These issues should be discussed on a global basis.

②These issues need to be discussed on a global scale.



(解答例)①An accident provided him with the key idea that solved his problem.

②By accident he came up with the key to the solution of his problem.



(解答例)①I will leave out this problem for lack of space.

②I will leave out this problem for want of space.







(ポイント2)「教わるべきもの」はwhat you ought to be taught (= what you ought to learn)などです。「一生賢くなれない」は「世の中を上手に渡っていけない」と考えると、you cannot get along well in the world.です。「十分身につける」=「十分消化する」=「十分理解する」と考えます。「一生を決める」=「君の将来を決める」=decide you future (life)。

(解答例)①Unless you are taught what you ought to be taught in early life, you cannot hope to get on well in life. Whether or not you have learned fully what you ought to learn will, therefore, decide your future life in the run.

②If you haven't learned what you ought to learn in youth, you cannot get along well in the world. Whether or not you have digested fully what you were taught in youth will decide your future.


(ポイント1)構文は、「アジアという地域には~住んでおり」は「アジア世界は最も人口が多い地域で、世界の人口の半分以上を含んでいる」と考えると、Asia is the most densely populated area on earth (あるいはin the earth), with~という型になります。

(ポイント2)「今の割合で増えていくと」はat this rate (of increase), ~として続けるか、「もしこの状態が進めば」と考えて、if this state of things goes onなどとします。「二倍になるでしょう」はwill be doubled (= twofold), will (あるいはwould) be twice as largeなどです。

(解答例)①As you know, Asia, with more than half the world's population is the most densely populated area on earth. If the population continues growing, it will be doubled at the end of this century.

②Asia is, as you know, the most densely populated continent on earth, with more than half the world's population. If it continues growing at the present rate, it will be twice as large at the end of this century.


(ポイント1)「バスが通っていない」=「バスサービスが利用できない」なので、No bus service is available~という型にします。

Though there was no telephone service available till a year ago in this village, almost every home here has a telephone installed (= the telephone is fitted in almost every house) today.(この村には一年前までは電話が無かったが、今ではほとんど各戸に電話が取り付けられている。)

(ポイント2)「これから先」はfrom here on, from this place onward。「山小屋」はa mountain cottage, shack (= log cabin)。「時間がたっぷりある」は(we) have plenty of time~。

(解答例)①Since no bus service is available from here on, we've got to walk on to the shack. We still have plenty of time, so I don't think it necessary to hurry.

②There's no bus service from this place onward, and we have to walk to the mountain cottage. As we have enough time, we don't have to hurry.


(ポイント1)まず構文は、「もし~というのが本当なら、…というのも本当であろう」と考えて、if it is true that~, then it may be true that…とします。

(ポイント2)「人種のるつぼ」はthe melting pot of racesという成句を使います。Wall Streetはニューヨークの株式街で、金融の中心地です。日本なら兜町、ロンドンならLombard Streetに当たります。「あらゆる浮世の欲望」はearthly desires of all descriptionsなどです。「うごめいている」は「いっぱいつまっている」と考えます。少ししゃれて、「金の亡者ども(slaves to Mammon)が跳梁している(be rampant)」としても面白いでしょう。

(解答例)①If it is true that New York City is 'the melting pot of races,' then it may be true that Wall Street in this mammoth city is a melting pot of all desires on earth. This street is indeed full of earthly desires of all descriptions.

②If there's a city that can truly be called "a melting pot of races," it is the City of New York; if there's a city street that can be called "a melting pot of all wills and desires," it is Wall Street. Here, on this street, slaves to Mammon are rampant.



(ポイント2)「八年ぶりで」はafter an 8 year interval (あるいはseparation)とするか、「八年間で初めて」として、for the first time in eight yearsとします。「成長していて…」はhas grown (to be)~。「~くらいの年頃である」=「~するのに十分の年に成長した」。「手助けする」はhelp a person in (あるいはwith) his work。

He has grown old enough to go to school.(もう学校へ通う年になった。)

She is old enough for marriage.(結婚適齢期だ。)

(解答例)①I wet to the (railway) station to meet my nephew the other day. I was very glad to see him for the first time in eight years. He has grown to be a fine young man, old enough to help his father in business.

②I went to meet my nephew at the station some days ago. How happy I was to see him after an eight year interval! He had grown to be a fine youth, now old enough to help his father with his work.




(解答例)①People no longer had to move from place to place in search of food.

②People were no longer required to wander in search of food.



(解答例)①Groups of individual citizens have gained considerable power over politicians.

②Groups of individual citizens have been able to exert over politicians.



(解答例)①Mt. Fuji is 3,776 meters above sea level.

②Mt. Fuji stands 3,776 meters above sea level.

このaboveは「(場所が)…より上に」の意です。above sea levelは「海抜」。


(解答例)①Mr. Brown is jealous of his colleague's success.

②Mr. Brown feels jealous about his colleague's success.

このofは「関連」を示します。be jealous of~は「…を妬んでいる」の意です。


(解答例)①He caught me by the hand.

②He grabbed me by the hand.

③He grabbed my hand.



(解答例)①The task seems to be above my ability.

②The task seems to be beyond my ability.



(解答例)①You can not separate people and language from their culture.

②People, their language and their culture are inseparable.



(解答例)①Such is often the case with me.

②That is often the case with me.

③That sort of thing often happens to me.



(解答例)①I leave the matter to your judgement.

②I'll leave it up to you.

③I'll let you decide.



(解答例)①He is reticent and he never speaks unless spoken to.

②He is non-communicative and only speaks when spoken to.

…speak to himを受動態にすると、he is spoken toですから、文尾のtoが理解できます。


(解答例)①She listened to me, with tears falling from her eyes.

②She listened to me, with tears running from her eyes.



(解答例)①He sat with his back against the wall.

②He sat with his back leaning against the wall.



(解答例)①How foolish it is of him to spend so much money on a trivial thing like that.

②He is silly to spend so much money on something as trivial as that.

③It is stupid of him to spend all that money on such a trivial thing.


It is foolish of him to spend so much money on a trivial thing like that.



(解答例)①What company do you suppose Bill's father works at?

②Which company do you suppose Bill's father works for?

①はWhat company does Bill's father work at?とdo you supposeとを組み合わせたものです。文尾のatについては、Bill's father works at…の疑問文と考えると、理解できます。なお、このatは比較的狭い「場所」を示します。


(解答例)①The movie on TV last night was in black and white.

②The movie on TV last night was black and white.

③The TV movie last night was black and white.

このonは「手段」を表わし、inは「方法」を表わします。なお、「白黒」がblack and whiteと逆になることに注意が必要です。


(解答例)①He often attributes his failure to bad luck.

②He often blames his failure on bad luck.






(ポイント1)「~であることは言うまでもない」はNeedless to sayなどより、「この事実を何人も否定できまい」と考えた方が英訳しやすいです。

(ポイント2)「こうして年を経て」=「何年か年月が経って」=「久しぶりで」=after many year's absence。「この変わった東京」はthis changed city of Tokyo。「同じ東京に戻ってきた」は「今、私は再び同じ東京にいる」。「(~という気持ちを)どうしようもない」=「~と感じざるを得ない」cannot help feeling (that ~)=「~という感じ(印象)を取り去ることはできない」。

(解答例)①People say that Japan has changed and nobody can deny the fact that she has changed a great deal. But coming back to this changed city of Tokyo after many year's absence, I cannot but feel that I am here again in the same old metropolis.

②Japan has changed as you say, and I admit she has really changed. Now that I have come back to Tokyo, I cannot shake off the feeling that I'm back here in Tokyo, the same old city.



(ポイント2)「四季に応じて」=「四季の変化に応じて」=according to (あるいはwith) the change of seasons。「生活場所」=「生活環境」=「生活条件」。「蛇や蛙の冬眠もそうだし」=「蛇や蛙の冬眠はその例の一つである」。「冬眠」はhibernation<hibernate。「昆虫達もどこかへ行ってしまう」は文尾に付けて、「昆虫達はどこへ行ってしまったのか、誰も知らない」とします。

(解答例)①A considerable number of animals change their living environment with the change of seasons. The hibernation of snakes and frogs is one example. Most insects disappear in winter and nobody knows where they go.

②Quite a lot of animals change their habitats from season to season. Snakes and frogs, hibernate in winter and we don't know where most insects go.



(ポイント2)「それより五十年前の(彼が)二十六歳の時」はWhen he was 26 years of age (あるいはold), 50 years before his death,…とします。「物理学界」はthe world of physicsですが、この「物理学」は「正統物理学」と考えて、orthodox physicsとします。「~を変革するような」は(that) would revolutionize~ですが、実際に従来の物理学を変革したのですから、(that) has revolutionized~としてもよいです。

(解答例)①Dr. Einstein died 20 years ago. When he was 26 years of age, 50 years before his death, the great physicist advocated a new theory which has revolutionized orthodox physics.

②Dr. Einstein died 20 years ago. 50 years earlier, when he was 26, the great physicist advanced a new principle called "the Theory of Relativity," which has revolutionized the world of physics.


(ポイント1)「日本人の間には…という傾向があった」に目をつけると、There used to be (あるいはwas) a tendency among the Japanese to…となります。「…せいであろうか」は無理に疑問文にしないで、「多分…のせいだろう」で十分です。

(ポイント2)「何かにつけて」はone way or another, someway or otherなどです。「けなす」=「悪く言う」。「この頃は」=「今では」。「あまり感ぜられない」=「もはやこの傾向は無くなった」。「経済大国」はa great (あるいはmajor) economic power。「…のせいであろうか」はIt is perhaps because…, This may be attributed to the fact that…。

(解答例)①Until recently there used to be a tendency among the Japanese to despise their own country (in) one way or another. This tendency, however, has now become less noticeable. This may be attributed to the fact that they have pride in the fact that Japan is now a great economic power in the world.

②We were apt to speak ill of our own country till a few years ago. But this kind of talk is no longer heard as often as before. It is perhaps because we have come to think that Japan is now a major economic power in the world.


(ポイント1)前半は「旧友」が主語。すなわち「旧友が自分の息子を訪ねるために上京してきた。」後半は「彼は~を見て、…と言った」となります。「上京する」をgo (あるいはcome) up to townと言うのはイギリス用法です。

go down to Washington, D.C.(アメリカ英語)

(ポイント2)「大学に通っている(息子)」=「大学生である(息子)」。「急速に変わった」=「急速な変化」。「面影」はimage, pictureでしょうが、ここは「以前よく見たもの(は何も無い)」と考えてみます。

Nothing remains here that reminds me of what I used to know.

(解答例)①One of my old friends came up to Tokyo for the first time in ten years to see his son who is a college student. Surprised at the great change of the metropolis, he says that nothing remains here in this part that reminds him of what he used to know.

②An old friend of mine came up to Tokyo for the first time in ten years to see his son, now in university. Amazed at the enormous change in the city, he exclaimed, "This isn't the place I used to live in !"




(解答例)①These dishes remind me of my mother's cooking.

②The food reminds me of my mother's cooking.



(解答例)①It is often said that health is above wealth.

②It is often said that health is more important than wealth.



(解答例)①There is something noble about him.

②There is something very distinguished about him.

③He has a distinguished air about him.



(解答例)①Are you for or against the plan?

②Do you think the plan is a good one or not?



(解答例)①The book I ordered from England has just arrived.


②The book which I placed an order for with a bookstore in England has just arrived.

③The book which I placed an order for in England has just arrived.


(解答例)①Turn to the last page but one.

②Turn to the second to last page.



(解答例)①It was kind of him to send flowers.

②He was kind enough to send flowers.



(解答例)①There is no need to worry about this disease.

②There is no cause for alarm about this disease.



(解答例)①The trouble with our times is that confidence in the future is not what it used to be.

②One of the biggest problems today is our lack of confidence in the future.

このinは「ある感情が向けられていること」を示し、「~に関して」の意です。なお、「未来に」「今後は」を意味する成句のin the futureと混同しないように注意します。


(解答例)①He cleared the roof of the snow.

②He cleared the snow off the roof.



(解答例)①You'd have to cut down a little on the amount of food you eat to lose weight.

②You'd have to slightly cut down the amount of food you eat to lose weight.



(解答例)①It's a long way off what he said.

②It's a long way from what he said.

③It's quite different from what he said.



(解答例)①He recovered from his cold so quickly that he didn't need to visit a doctor.

②He recovered from his cold so quickly that he didn't have to visit a doctor.



(解答例)①He is among the few who want to continue working on the project.

②He is one of the few who want to continue working on the project.



(解答例)①She spoke with tears in her eyes.

②As she spoke there were tears in her eyes.



(解答例)①Fire engines have priority over other traffic.

②Fire engines have priority over other vehicles.

③Fire engines have the right of way.






(ポイント1)かなりの難問です。「原則」はa principleがよいでしょう。「相手を尊敬しあう」はrespect each other。「お辞儀をする」は日本式ならbow (to ~), make a bowですが、「挨拶を交わす」としてexchange greetingsもよいです。「お世辞を言う」はsay nice thingsとする手もあります。「人の立場や気持ちを考えてあげる」はpay due regard to~(~を適当に考慮してやる)という成句を使ってみます。

You must pay due regard to other's feelings. = You mustn't disregard other's feelings.(人の感情を考えてあげなければいけない。)

(ポイント2)今一つ問題なのは、「これは単に~ということじゃなく、…ということです」をnot A but Bで訳すか、それともnot only (あるいはmerely)~but…の型にするかということです。

(解答例)①One of the principles of democracy is to respect each other in your community. This doesn't mean only exchanging greetings or saying nice things, but paying due regard to others' situations and feelings.

②One principle of democracy is to respect each other. This doesn't merely mean exchanging daily greetings or saying sweet words, but sharing the bitterness and joys of life with others.



(ポイント2)「…した(おじ)によると」はaccording to (my uncle…)。「(東京の)交通」はtraffic in Tokyoでよいでしょう。この場合のtrafficは主に「車の往来」。「道路」=「道路網」the road system、あるいは「街路」と解してthe city streets。「複雑な」はcomplicated。「あまり~なので」はso~that…(can―)の型を使います。「車の運転」=「車を運転する」=drive (a car)。

This is the kind of car you can drive with less difficulty.(この種の車は他の車より楽に運転できる。)

(解答例)①According to my uncle who has recently come home from America where he has been for twenty years, traffic in Tokyo is so heavy and the road system is so complicated that it is more difficult to drive a car in Tokyo than in New York.

②After having lived in America for 20 years, my uncle came back recently and said that traffic in Tokyo is so heavy and the city streets are so complex that you can drive more freely in New York than in Tokyo.



(ポイント2)「国土」=「外国の土地」=a foreign land。「よく見る」=「自分の目で…を見る」。「各地の生活状態」はthe living conditions of a locality。「心に残る印象」=「それらの印象が…の心に残る」(ここの「印象」はimage、またはimpress>impression)。

The city leaves only an unpleasant image on my mind.

(解答例)①I have once made a tour of North America by bus and train. If you want to see a foreign land with your own eyes, this is the best way. The reason is, you will have a lasting impression in your mind of the landscapes and the living conditions of a locality you are passing through.

②I have had the experience of traveling through North America by bus and by train. If you want to look closely at things in a strange land, you should travel around in this way. Thus you may look directly at the scenery and the living conditions of a locality you're passing.



(ポイント2)「西欧主要国」はthe leading countries (あるいはmajor powers) in West Europe。「~に比べて」は(as) compared with~。「消費する」はconsume。「いい気になって」=「うぬぼれて」=「誇りに思って」=be proud, be conceited, be puffed upなどです。「そんなのんきなこと」は(hold) such an easy-going idea。「これからは…できない」はbe no longer。

(解答例)①Compared with the leading countries in West Europe, Japan used to consume twice as much petroleum, and we were proud of it. This is no longer a time, however, for holding such easy-going ideas.

②Until recently, we were proud that Japan consumed twice as much petroleum as the leading European powers. But times have changed, and we can no longer maintain such an easy-going attitude.



(ポイント2)「…望ましいものだ」はIt is desirable for~to…の型。「十分とは言えない」=「十分よいとはならない」。「人間にとって大切なのは」=「我々にとって大切なことは」=what is important (to us)。「どれほど~ではなくて、…かである」はnot A but Bですが、rather A than Bかnot so much B as Aでもよいです。

(解答例)①It is certainly desirable for us to live long, but long life is not enough. What is most important is not how long one has lived, but what one has done during his life-time.

②It is preferable to live long, to be sure, but longevity shouldn't be the only thing we care about; what we have done in life counts more.




(解答例)①He laughed at by everybody.


Everybody laughed at him.


(解答例)①I have no money to buy food with.

②I have no money to buy food.


I'll buy some food with this money.


(解答例)①Let's go for a swim in the lake.

②Let's go swimming in the lake.

このinは「ある広がりをもった面」を示します。この文ではLet's go for swim.が主眼であり、in the lakeでのswimであるので、inが理解されます。


(解答例)①Things are going badly with him these days.

②Things are going badly for him these days.



(解答例)①This chemical is superior in quality to that.

②This chemical's quality is better than that.



(解答例)①He has been waiting there since five o'clock.



(解答例)①What on earth did you put your finger in the boiling water for?

②Why did you put your finger in the boiling water?

このforは「理由」を示します。on earthは疑問詞を強めて、「一体」の意の口語です。forが文尾にある理由は次の文から理解されます。

I put my finger in the boiling water for・・・


(解答例)①Yoko is interested in collecting stamps.

②Yoko's interests include collecting stamps.

このinは「ある特別な感情が込められている」場合で、「~に関して」の意です。なお、be interested inと常にinterestedにinが続くわけではありません。

Are you interested?

I'm interested to know what happens.


(解答例)①The singer appeared from behind the curtain.

二重前置詞from behindは「~の後ろから」の意です。二重前置詞にはfromと他の前置詞が結合したものが多いです。

(参考)across from(~の反対側に)、except for(~の点を除いて)、from across(~の向こうから)、from among(~の中から)、from off(~から)、from out of(~から)、from under(~の下から)、over against(~の真向かいに)、since before(~の前から)、till after(~後まで)。


(解答例)①Mr. Jones agreed to all the proposals we made.

②Mr. Jones was in agreement with all the proposals we made.



(解答例)①What is difficult for John to understand?

②What does John find difficult to understand?

③What is it that John finds difficult to understand?


It is difficult for John to understand that.


(解答例)①A quarrel arose about what to do with the land.

②An argument began about how the land should be utilized.



(解答例)①The trouble is that we have no funds with us.

②The trouble is, we don't have any money right now.

③The trouble is, we don't have any money on us.



(解答例)①The grocery shop is around the corner in front of the police station.

②The grocery shop is around the corner opposite the police station.

このaroundは「(角を曲がるように)~を回って」の意です。群前置詞in front ofは「(場所が)~の前に」の意です。


(解答例)①You are supposed to refrain from smoking in this auditorium.

②The auditorium has a "no-smoking" policy.



(解答例)①I am not satisfied with what you have done.

②What you have done does not satisfy me.







(ポイント2)「人前で」はin public。「自分の言葉で」はin your own language。「まして外国語なら」はStill more so in case of a foreign language。「~かどうか疑問である」はIt is doubtful whether (or not)~。「(英語を)自由に使う」はhave a good command of (English)。

(解答例)①When you speak in public or write something, you will find that it is no easy matter to express yourself well even in your own language. Still more so in a foreign language. It is doubtful, therefore, whether or not you will be able to have a good command of it even when you have spent your whole life on it.

②Try to speak in public or write something and you will see it's a difficult task even in your mother tongue. Still more so in (the) case of a foreign language. I wonder if you can master a foreign language thoroughly after devoting you whole life to the study of it.



(ポイント2)「体が弱い」はbe weak (あるいはpoor) in health。「絵ばかり書いて」=「たいてい絵を書いて」として、usually drawing pictures。「人が誘っても」=「誰かが誘いに来ても」として、someone came to take me out (あるいはto pick me out), someone called for me。「おっくうだ」=「出かける気になれない」として、don't like going out。「心の中では」はat (the bottom of my) heart。「何があるのだろうとあこがれる」=「何があるのかしら」として、wonder what~の型か、have a longing for~=long for (after)~。

(解答例)①As I was weak in health when a child, I usually stayed (at) home, drawing pictures. Even though someone called for me, I didn't like going out. But at the bottom of my heart, I had a longing for what might be beyond that range of hills.

②Since I was poor in health as a little kid, I usually remained indoors, usually drawing something or other. Even when somebody came to take me out, I wasn't tempted. But I always wondered what lay beyond the distant hills.


(ポイント1)「~違いないが…」は「なるほど~だが、しかし、…」と考えて、It is true that~,but…の型が適当です。「絶対~とは限らない」は部分否定にします。

(ポイント2)「登山家にとっては」はto the mountain climber。「天気予報」はa weather forecast。「絶対信頼できるとは限らない」はbe not absolutely reliable。「南方海上で」はin the south sea。「発生する」はstart, be spawned。「日本列島」=「日本」。「北上する」はcome up to~, come northward (to hit Japan)。

Another typhoon is brewing down on the south sea.(南方海上に新しい台風が発生中である。)

(解答例)①To the mountain climber, weather forecast are most important, it is true, but they are not absolutely reliable (あるいはthey are not very reliable). Typhoons which start in the south seas often come up to Japan early in September.

②None can deny the importance of weather forecasts to the alpinist, but it is also true that such forecasts are very unreliable. Some of the typhoons spawned in the south seas come up to Japan early in September.


(ポイント1)長文でやや難解です。構文的には「たとえ~としても、喜ばしい」に目をつけます。すなわちEven if~, it is a matter for joy.とします。後半は「~こともしばしばである」に注目すると、It often happens that~.とします。

(ポイント2)「一時の流行的現象」は「一時的な現象」と考えて、a passing phenomenon。「関心が高まる」は「だんだん興味が増してくる」。「何事によらず」=「一般に」=「たいていは」。「一時的なものだ」はbe temporary, doesn't last longなど。「やがて」は「そのうち」として、in (the course of) time, soon。「本物になり、長続きする関心(に成長する)」は(grow into) a genuine, permanent interest。

(解答例)①Even if it is a passing phenomenon, it is a matter for joy, anyway, that people are getting more and more interested in history. Generally, popularity doesn't last long, but it often happens that this temporary popularity will in time grow into a genuine, permanent interest.

②It is a welcome trend that we are getting history-minded even though it is a passing phenomenon. Popularity is nothing but a passing phenomenon, but this popularity sometimes becomes permanent (あるいはremains forever).



(ポイント2)「村の子供達」とは特定の村ではなく、「地方の(田舎の子供達)」と考えてよいでしょう。「非常に珍しい」=「滅多に聞かれない」。「理解しにくいこと」=「信じがたいこと」。「純粋な東京弁」とは何でしょうか?下町なら「江戸っ子弁」であり、山の手なら「…ざます」式の言葉でしょう。ここではthe Tokyo dialectとかthe pure Tokyo tongueなどとします。「東京弁まがいの言葉」はsomething resembling the Tokyo dialect。「全国に広まっている」は「日本の各地(方)で聞かれる」とか、「全国に行き渡っている」などでしょう。

(解答例)①When I say (that) there was a time when village children rarely heard the Tokyo dialect, you may hardly believe it. Today, even in Tokyo, you cannot hear it every day, while something resembling the Tokyo dialect can be heard in every part of Japan.

②There was a time when children in the country seldom heard the Tokyo dialect, though you may hardly believe it. Even in Tokyo the really pure dialect cannot be heard every day, but something resembling it is heard all over the country.




(解答例)①To see new countries with one's own eyes is better than reading all the travel books in the world.

②To actually see a new country oneself is better than reading all the travel guides in the world.



(解答例)①The children ran away in all directions.

②The children ran off all over the place.



(解答例)①His father was saddened by his continual misconduct.

②His father was upset by his constant bad behavior.



(解答例)①You may be surprised at the results of the experiments.

②The end results of the experiments may surprise you.



(解答例)①Can you prove the plan to be of no use?

②Can you give any good reasons why the plan is no good?


of no use = useless, of use = useful


(解答例)①Man consists of body and soul.

②Man is both body and soul.

このofは「構成要素」を示します。consist of~は「~から成る」の意です。


(解答例)①We regarded him as a national hero.

②To us he was a national hero.



(解答例)①I hear that you have beaten Mary. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

②I hear that you have beaten Mary. Don't you feel ashamed?



(解答例)①I hope you're not angry with me for being late.

②I hope you're not angry at my delay.

③I hope you're not angry at me for being late.

④I hope you're not angry that I am late.



(解答例)①Without your help, I would have been unable to do it.

②If you had not helped me, I would have been unable to do it.



(解答例)①Illness kept me from going to the party.

②Illness prevented me from going to the party.

③I couldn't go to the party because of illness.



(解答例)①To my surprise he has failed in business.

②I am surprised at his failure in business.



(解答例)①It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full.

②It is bad manners to speak while your mouth is full.



(解答例)①He eats raw onions for strength.

②He eats raw onions to give himself strength.



(解答例)①His opinion is somewhat different from mine.

②There is some difference between his opinion and mine.



(解答例)①I am familiar with this subject.

②This subject is familiar to me.

このwithは「~に関して」、このtoは「~にとって、~に対して」の意です。「be familiar with+物・事柄」「be familiar to+人」の形で用いられます。


(解答例)①I am sure of his success in business.

②I am sure that he will succeed in business.







(ポイント2)「よくコーヒーを飲む」=「コーヒーが大好きだ」=「コーヒーの大の愛好者」として、a great lover of coffee, a great coffee lover。「あんな苦いもの」はthat bitter stuff。「ごめんだ」=「嫌いだ」。「~無しには一日も…ない」はcannot pass a day without~。

How nice! This is good stuff.(<お酒など>うまい、いい酒だ。)

(解答例)①The Americans are great coffee lovers, but, except in Hawaii, not a bean of coffee is produced in the United States. When children, they prefer milk or cocoa, and say , "I don't like coffee ― that bitter stuff." Strangely enough, however, they find themselves so addicted to coffee when they are about to leave high school that they can hardly pass a day without that bitter stuff.

②Though Americans are great coffee lovers, not a bean of coffee is produced on the mainland; it is only grown in Hawaii. When very young, they had milk or cocoa, and said, "I don't like coffee, that bitter stuff." By the time they graduate from high school, however, they find themselves coffee addicts, unable to pass even a day without that bitter stuff.




1、I've heard the story of~(○)

2、I've heard a faithful dog~(×)

3、I've heard of the statue of~(○)

4、I've heard the statue of~(×)

 「果たして~を尽くしたのであろうか」はI wonder if~の型で、「結局は犬だ」はa dog is a (mere) dog.「本能のままに行動する」はact (あるいはbehave) on instinct, behave as instinct dictates。「接する」=「取り扱う」。「それだけの愛情」はas much affection。「返す」はreturn ~ (to)。

(解答例)①I've heard of the faithful dog Hachiko, whose statue stands right in front of Shibuya station. But was he really faithful to his master, I wonder? Since a dog is a dog and nothing more, he acts as instinct dictates. If his master treats him with affection, he will naturally return as much affection to his master.

②I’ve heard of the statue of a faithful dog called Hachiko, now standing right in front of Shibuya station. But I wonder whether or not he was really faithful to his master. Since a dog is a dog and nothing more, he behaves as his instinct dictates. If you handle your dog with affection, no doubt, he will return as much affection to you.


(ポイント1)前半は「~弱いため…である」に目をつけ、Because~,…とするか、もう1つは「日本人は~である。そのため、…損失を受けている」と考えて、That is why…で続けます。「外交、貿易…などあらゆる方面で…」は「彼らは多くの面で損失を受けている。例えば外交、貿易…」と考えます。後半では、「…ことは明らかである」を文頭に出して、It is evident that…の型にします。

(ポイント2)「元来」はby natureですが、「一般に」と考えた方が英文になります。「~に弱い」はhave a weakness for ~, be poor (あるいはweak) at ~。「科学技術」はscience and technology。「大きな損失を受ける」はsuffer (あるいはsustain) a great loss。「素質や能力」が難しいでしょう。これをまとめて「発明の才」と考えてinventive geniusとするか、「創造力」と解してcreative powerとするかです。「国際競争力」はinternational competition, in the arena of world's competition。「~に加えて」はin addition (to)~, along with~。「倍加する」=「二倍にする」として、double(他動詞)。

He has an innate genius for music.(彼は音楽の素質がある。)

He is something of a poet. = There's something poetic in him. = He has in him the makings of a poet.

(解答例)①The Japanese in general are weak at English, and because of this (あるいはon this account), they sustain a great loss in many fields ― in (the fields of) diplomacy, foreign trade, science and technology. It is evident, therefore, that if they had great command of English, in addition to their inventive genius, they would certainly be able to double their power in international competition.

②Generally speaking, the Japanese are poor at English. That is why they are suffering great loss in many walks of life, in diplomacy, trading business, science and technology. It may well be said, therefore, that if they had a good command of English, along with their genius and ability, they would be able to wield a lot more power in the arena of international competition.


(ポイント1)「電話は~だが、しかし、…でもある」に目をつけると、It is true~, but…の構文ができます。次に「こっちが~であろうが、…であろうが」は「我々(君)が何をしていようと、例えば食事中であろうと、…であろうと」と考えてみます。

(ポイント2)「文明の利器」はa modern convenience。「悩みの種」はa source of worry, a cause of trouble。「人権」はcivil rights, human rights。「~ほど無作法なものはない」=「~ほど押しつけがましいものはない」として、nothing is so forcible (as)~。「こちらが何をしていようと」はwhatever job you are engaged in。「風呂に入っている」はwhen you are in the bath.「トイレに行きたくてうずうずしていようが」はwhen you need to go to the lavatory, when you're going to ease nature.「人を呼びつける」はIt (the telephone) ringsとします。「番号違い」はa wrong number。「腹の立つ存在」=「悩みの種」。

a letter wrongly addressed(住所誤記の手紙)

go the wrong way(道を間違う)

take a wrong train(列車を間違う)

(解答例)①It is true that the telephone is a modern convenience, but it is also a nuisance. Nothing can be more forcible in this world, anyway. It rings whatever job you are engaged in ― when you are at table or in the bath, or even when you are going to ease nature. It often happens that when you pick up the receiver, you’ll find it is a wrong number. The telephone is indeed a cause of trouble.

②The telephone is a modern convenience, indeed, but nothing is so tyrannical (as this). It rings any time ― when you are at table or in the bath or when you need to go to the toilet. When you pick up the receiver, you often find it is a wrong number. The telephone is indeed a cause of annoyance.




(解答例)It is a well-known fact that workers work too hard.


(解答例)After several hours of walking in fields and forests, I finally couldn't walk any further.


(解答例)He gets scolded every time he brings his dog home.


(解答例)There is no doubt that his sons are good children.

I have no doubt his sons are good children.


(解答例)My mother told me that if I left my dog at home, she would take him shopping.


(解答例)I should have just done as I was told.

I should have just done as you said.


(解答例)I can understand the difficulties in that plan.


(解答例)We were totally surprised that he rejected our proposal.


(解答例)The fact that someone lives on the same street as me does not mean that he or she is my friend.


(解答例)You can enjoy record music while you wait.

You can enjoy record music while waiting.


(解答例)Once you start something, you have to work hard at it until it is completed.


(解答例)He studied hard. Otherwise, he would have failed that exam.





(ポイント1)構文的に難しいものはありません。「お茶にミルクと~を入れて…」は「もしあなたが~すると…」と、if構文でも、命令形+and you will…でもよいです。最後の「近くのレストランへ行ってみると~」も同様ですが、同じ構文を2度使わない方がよいでしょう。

(ポイント2)「お茶は全て紅茶~」はblack tea, nothing but black teaとかis only black teaなど。「(いただく)という日本で見られるスタイル」=「我々が日本でやるように」=as we do in Japan。「しょうが汁」はginger juice。「香りのよい」はwith a sweet aroma; nice, fragrant (tea)。「お茶の時間」はtea time。「習慣」=「慣習」=(a) custom。「(どの店も)混んでいる」はbe crowding (for supper), be alive (with customers)。

(解答例)➀Tea in India is black tea, nothing but black tea. They drink tea with milk and sugar as we do in Japan. If you add milk to the tea, heat it for a while, and drop a little ginger juice into this, you will have a fragrant ginger tea. Every family has tea time late afternoon. This is a custom that probably came from England. They usually have dinner after 8:00 pm. When I go to the nearby restaurants, all of them are very crowded around 9:00 am.

②All tea in India is black tea. Tea is served with cream and sugar, a style seen in Japan. Add milk to the tea, heat it for a while, and drop a little ginger juice into it to make a fragrant ginger tea. Every family has a late afternoon tea time. This is probably a custom that came from England. Dinner is usually served after 8:00 pm. When I went to nearby restaurants, all of them were very crowded around 9:00 a.m.

2、大英博物館(the British Museum)のコーヒーショップに、三十そこそこの婦人に連れられて、既に歩き方もおぼつかない一老人が入ってきた。ヨーロッパのセルフ・サービス店に男女の連れが入った時は、食事や飲み物を運搬するのは一般に男の役目である。コーヒーをこぼすまいとおぼんをささげて、そろそろと運んできたのは、やはり父親らしい老人の方だった。

(ポイント1)「大英博物館」といってもいくつも建物があります。そこで「その一つの建物のどこかで」と考えてみます。「婦人に連れられて」は「婦人をお伴にして」と考えた方がよいでしょう。「一般の男の役目」に目をつけると、It is a man's job to …の型になります。

(ポイント2)「三十そこそこの婦人」はa woman of thirty or so, about 30 years old.「歩き方もおぼつかない」はunsteady, tottering、「セルフ・サービス店」はself-serviceと直訳しても意味は通じますが、a buffet restaurant (あるいはbar)などがあります。「コーヒーをこぼすまいとして~のは、やはり父親」は「~のは若い同伴者ではなく、その老人だった」と考えると、It was the old man, not his young companion, that~の型になります。ちなみに英語のbarは「酒場」ではなく、「カウンターのある店」の意です。

milk (あるいはcoffee) bar, a snack bar, a saloon bar(酒場)

(解答例)➀In a coffee shop in one of the buildings of the British Museum, an old man, who was already unsteady, came in accompanied by a woman of about 30 years old. When a man and a woman enter a European self-service restaurant together, it is generally the man's job to carry their food and drinks. It was the old man who seemed to be the father, not his young companion, that brought the coffee to the table slowly.

②An elderly man, who was already walking slowly, entered the coffee shop of the British Museum accompanied by a lady of about 30 or so. When a man and a woman accompanying them enter a European self-service restaurant, it is generally the man's responsibility to carry their food and drinks. The man who brought the coffee to the table was an old man who seemed to be the father of the coffee drinker.



(ポイント2)「頂上にはフランス国旗が翻っている」は「この塔」の修飾語(句)にして付けた方がいいと思われます。「エッフェル氏」はM.Eiffel(M. = monsieur)でもよいです。「醜悪だ」=「その眺めが醜い」。「花の都パリ」はthe fashionable city of Paris, the City of Flowers, the world (あるいはthe world's) center of fashionsなど。

(解答例)➀The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 to commemorate the Universal Exposition held in Paris. The tower, at the top of which the French flag is flying, was called the Eiffel Tower after its designer. M. Eiffel boasted, “Only the French flag has a 300-meter flagpole”. When it was built, it was often criticized as “ugly and aesthetically displeasing,” but today it has become a symbol of Paris, the City of Flowers.

②The Eiffel Tower was completed in Paris in 1889, the year of the Universal Exposition. Called the Eiffel Tower after its designer, the French flag flies at the top of the tower. M. Eiffel boasted that the French flag is the only one with a 300-meter flagpole. However, although it was often criticized as “ugly and aesthetically displeasing” when it was built, it has now become a symbol of Paris, the City of Flowers.


(ポイント1)「行楽地」にはspring (あるいはsummer, fall) resorts, holiday (あるいはvacation) resortsなどがあります。「親子連れの客が多い」は「親子の小グループ」と考えて、lots of small groups of parents and (their ) childrenとかlots of family groupsでもよいです。

(ポイント2)「駅のホーム」にはon a station (あるいはrailway) platform, on the platform of a railway stationとします。「水筒」はa canteen, a water bottle。「お弁当」はa lunch box。「のどかな光景」=「平和な光景」。「一変して~に変わるのは…瞬間である」はThe very moment~, (あるいはIt is just when~that) the scene turns into a frightful (あるいはan infernal, a chaotic) oneの型です。「~に向かって殺到する」はreturn on to~。「(他人を)押しのける」はpush (=elbow) others aside。「しゃにむに」=「無理矢理」=forcibly。ここはhustle and jostle each otherとかfight one's way into the crowdなども使えます。

They were hustling and jostling with each other for the front seats.(皆は前の席を取ろうともみ合っていた。)

(解答例)➀Now is a great time for a holiday. All of the holiday resorts are packed to capacity. There are lots of small groups of parents and (their ) children on the platform of a railway station. It is a peaceful scene that each is hanging out a water bottle and lunch box. But it is just when the train arrives that the scene turns into a frightful one. Both adults and children return on to seats. They push others aside try to get their own seats forcibly.

②Now is a great time for excursions. All of the tourist destinations are packed to overflowing.The station platform is full of customers with their parents and children. Each with a water bottle and lunch box hanging out, it was a peaceful scene. This changes drastically the moment the train arrives. Adults and children alike rush toward their seats at once. They push others out of the way and try to get their own seats.




(解答例)Her calm manner made her look older than she actually was.


(解答例)Reading newspapers gives us a good idea of world affairs.


(解答例)This road will take you to the station.


(解答例)Why do you think he broke his promise?


(解答例)I wonder why he changed his mind.


(解答例)What I admire most about her is her innocence.


(解答例)Just thinking about it makes me happy.


(解答例)Why couldn't you come on time?


(解答例)The rain prevented me from going out.


(解答例)He left for the U.S. and has not been heard from since.


(解答例)I could not attend that meeting because my mother was ill.


(解答例)A few minutes' walk brought us to the theater.


(解答例)What made you think that way?


(解答例)Your home needs painting.


(解答例)Thanks to technological innovations, it has recently become possible to produce cheaper watches.


(解答例)He was blinded by age.


(解答例)With more leisure time, they will enjoy more outdoor activities.


(解答例)With the introduction of the computer system, the company needed to reorganize.


(解答例)There are many beginners in that class.
