




(解答例)Take these shoes to the shoe shop and have them mended.


(ヒント)「書留にする」=have (a letter) registered。

(解答例)Have this letter registered at the post office, will you?


(解答例)You would have been (here) in time if you had left home a little earlier.


(解答例)If you had been aboard (on) that plane, you would be dead now.



(解答例)”I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting.” “Oh, it wasn’t so long. I (myself) came here just five minutes ago.”


(ヒント)「ゆっくりする」=stay long。「お茶を仕度する」=make (あるいはfix) you (some) tea。

(解答例)Could you stay a little longer? I’ll make(あるいはfix ) you (some) tea.


(ヒント)「お話し中すみませんが」=Excuse me for interrupting you, but~

(解答例)Excuse me for interrupting you (= Sorry to interrupt you), but could I ask you to open the window at your side?


(ヒント)「コストが上がる」=the cost of living is high。

(解答例)The trouble is, the cost of living is getting high.


(ヒント)「汚染された大気」=the polluted air。「追い出す」=drive away (あるいはoff)~。

(解答例)①The problem is how to drive away the polluted air from this earth of ours (あるいはthe earth’s surface ).

②The problem is how to rid the earth of polluted air.



(解答例)This television has a poor reception. Something must be wrong (with it).




(解答例)①Who is calling, please?

②Who is this, please?

(解説)友人に気軽に「Jimかい?」といった調子でHello, is that you, Jim?と言うこともあります。この場合のthatは上記のthisと同じ意味で、「話しかけられている人」を指します。Concise Oxford Dictionaryにイギリス用法としてWho is that?の例文が載っていますが、これを誤りとするnative speakerもいますので、用いない方がよいでしょう。


(解答例)①"I'd like to talk to Mr. Jones." "This is Mr. Jones speaking."

②"May I speak to Mr. Jones?" "Speaking."

(解説)「私です」はThis is he speaking.あるいはThis is she speaking.とも言いますが、古い言い方です。


(解答例)①"This is John speaking. Is Bill in?" "Sorry, but he is out at the moment."

②"This is John. Is Bill in?" "Sorry, but he is not in at the moment."

(解説)「席を外しております」というのは、not inという簡単な言葉で言えます。


(解答例)Shall I take a message?

(解説)日本語の感覚からShall I take your message?と言えそうに思えますが、不自然な英語です。


(解答例)May I leave a message?







(解答例)This is an age when oil is almighty. Without it, Japan’s prosperity would be impossible.



(解答例)This summer was long and hot. Lots of trees and plants in the garden drooped and withered.


(ヒント)「活気のある」=lively (あるいはactive)、「エネルギッシュ」=energetic。

(解答例)According to Mr. Yamada, who has recently come home from abroad, no (other) people in the world are so active (あるいはlively) and energetic as the Japanese.


(解答例)①He said to me, “Do you like this book? If you do, you may take it with you.”

②He asked me if I liked that book and told me that I might bring it with me.


(ヒント)「急いで」=in a hurry。

(解答例)He seemed to be in a hurry, so I asked him where he was going. He answered he was going home.


(ヒント)「大英博物館」=the British Museum。

(解答例)During his stay (=While staying) in London, he often visited the British Museum.


(解答例)There are lots of South East Asian students in Japanese colleges and universities.


(ヒント)「孤児」=an orphan。

(解答例)A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.


(解答例)He is the only son of a doctor.


(ヒント)「甘き」=sweet things、「腐敗」=rotten things。

(解答例)As bees like sweet things, so flies like rotten things.




(解答例)①Please put me through to Mr. White.

②Please connect me with Mr. White.

(解説)May I speak to Mr. White?と言っても同じことになります。


(解答例)①Sorry, the line is busy.

②Sorry, the line is engaged.



(解答例)①Please hold the line a moment.

②Please hold on a minute.

(解説)Please hold on a moment.は英語としては正しいですが、気短な感じのする言い方なので、避けた方がよいでしょう。


(解答例)①I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

②I’m afraid you dialed the wrong number.

(解説)このthe wrong numberをa wrong numberと言っても、100%間違いとは言えませんが、用いない方がよいでしょう。


(解答例)①I’ll call him back later.

②I’ll call him again later.

③I’ll call him again later on.





(ヒント)「さび」=rust、「腐食する」=eat、「むしばむ」=gnaw at。

(解答例)As rust eats iron, so care gnaws at your heart.


(ヒント)「恵まれた」=be blessed (with)。

(解答例)No country in the world is more blessed with (an abundance of) hot springs than Japan.


(ヒント)「スキーですべる」=ski down (a steep slope)。

(解答例)①No winter sport is thrilling as skiing, especially skiing down steep hills.

②Of all winter sports, skiing is the most thrilling particularly when you ski down steep slopes.


(ヒント)「スイス製の時計」=a Swiss watch。

(解答例)My father gave me this Swiss watch when he came back from a sightseeing tour of Europe last fall.



(解答例)My uncle, in America, sent me this fountain pen for my birthday. You can write smoothly with it (あるいはIt writes smooth(ly) <あるいはwell>).


(ヒント)「高層ビル」=a tall (あるいはhigh-rise) building、「山の手」=uptown。

(解答例)Lots of tall (あるいはhigh-rise) buildings have sprung up in Tokyo, not only downtown but uptown which will certainly surprise you if you visit the metropolis after a long interval (あるいはafter years of separation).


(ヒント)「蛍の光」=”Auld Lang Syne”。

(解答例)I will (あるいはshall) never forget the day when my pupils sang “Auld Lang Syne” together in my honor.


(解答例)If I had been you (あるいはIf I had been in your place), I wouldn’t have done such a thing.


(ヒント)「総理大臣」=a prime minister。

(解答例)If he had not been killed in that accident, he would have been a prime minister now.


(ヒント)「大(小)粒になって」=in large (small) drops。

(解答例)We had not gone a mile when the rain came down in large drops.



  1. ジャック、電話が入っているよ。(工学院大学)

(解答例)①Jack, you are wanted on the phone.

②Jack, you have a phone call.

③Jack, there’s a telephone call for you.

(解説)ジャックがその電話のベルを聞いていたとしたら、Jack, it’s for you.とも言えます。


(解答例)①Why don’t you call him up?

②Why not give him a call?

③Why not give him a ring?

④How about calling him up?

⑤What about calling him up?

(解説)Why don’t you~?とWhy not~?は親しい間で用いられる言い方です。


(解答例)①If you hold on for a moment, I’ll get Jane on the phone.

②If you’ll wait for a moment, I’ll get Jane on the phone.

(解説)このhold onは「電話を切らないでおく」の意です。get~on the phoneは「~を電話に呼び出す」の意です。



(解答例)①Please help yourself to some cake.

②Please feel free to have some cake.

(解説)help oneself to~は「~を自分で取って食べる、飲む」の意です。このsome cakeをthe cakeと言えなくもありませんが、奇異な英語とするnative speakerもいます。


(解答例)①Will you pass me the sugar?

②Will you hand me the sugar?

(解説)hand meよりもpass meの方が一般的です。





(ヒント)「真剣に取り組む」=grapple seriously with~。

(解答例)”This is an age when we should grapple seriously with the problems of a polluted environment,” declared the Prime Minister.


(ヒント)the difference between A and Bの型です。

(解答例)It is said (あるいはPeople say) that the difference between men and animals is that the one has words to express ideas, while the other has none.


(ヒント)「老人席」=seats reserved for the elderly。「ふんぞり返る」=sit in a haughty manner。

(解答例)The young of today have no manners. On trains, for example, you will see lots of strong young men (and women) sitting in a haughty manner on seats reserved for the elderly.


(解答例)Whenever it was a fine day, he would lie out on the grass, looking up into the blue sky.

(参考)The little bird flew up into the sky.(小鳥は空高く舞い上がった。)


(ヒント)「ぜいたく」=the luxury (of)。

(解答例)In Japan, we can enjoy flowers almost all the year round, while in Northern Europe, it is the luxury of the rich alone.


(ヒント)May, June, July, and August are not months for the oyster because there is no letter ‘r’ in their names.

(解答例)Months with the letter ‘r’ in them are the season for the oyster.


(解答例)It was early last month that I wrote (a letter) to him, but I haven’t heard from him yet. What has become of him, I wonder? (あるいはI wonder what’s happened to him.)


(ヒント)「あきらめる」=give up (for dead)。

(解答例)It is (あるいはIt has been) already ten years since he went (over) to America. I’ve heard nothing from him since then. We have given him up for dead.

(解説)It has been ten years since~の型は米語。



(解答例)Spain is twice as large as Japan, but her population is only one-third as large.


(解答例)According to this morning’s TV news, a JAL plane was hijacked at an airport in Lebanon (あるいはat a Lebanonese airport).




(解答例)①Here you are.

②Here it is.

③Here you go.

(解説)Here you are.は手渡す相手に重点を置いた時の表現です。Here it is.は手渡す物に重点を置いた時の表現です。Here you go.は家族内、あるいは仲間内で用いられる言い方です。


(解答例)①Would you like a cup of coffee?

②Would you care for a cup of coffee?

③How about a cup of coffee?

(解説)このwould like~は「~が欲しいと思う」の意です。


(解答例)①How do you like your coffee, black or with cream?

②How would you like your coffee, black or with cream?

(解説)このHow do you like~?とHow would you like~?は料理・飲み物などの具体的な調理の仕方・出し方を尋ねる言い方です。


(解答例)①With cream, please, and two lumps of sugar. I like my coffee rather sweet.

②With cream, please, and two lumps of sugar. I prefer my coffee rather sweet.



(解答例)①Will you have some more chicken?

②Would you like some more chicken?

③Would you like another piece of chicken?






(ヒント)「一般に」=in many ways、「優遇される」=live a comfortable life。

(解答例)Dr. Ezaki, a Nobel prize winner, says that scientists in America live a more rich and comfortable life in many ways than those in Japan.


(ヒント)「打ち込めば打ち込むほど」=The deeper I’ve become absorbed in the work, the more difficult~。

(解答例)I thought it an easy task to write a nursery story, but the deeper I’ve become absorbed in the work, the more difficult I’ve found it.


(ヒント)「山の事故」=climbing accidents、「悲しいニュース」=sad news。

(解答例)There is a fad (あるいはrage, craze) for mountaineering among the young. It is a pity, however, that we (should) often hear sad reports about climbing accidents (あるいはIt is deplorable, however, that the sad news of mountain accidents is frequently reported).


(ヒント)「突如大雨」=a sudden downpour。

(解答例)We had a puncture on the way and even worse there was a sudden downpour (あるいはa heavy shower).


(解答例)We got tired and hungry and, what was worse, there was not a house to be seen for miles around. We had a really tough (あるいはhard) time (of it).


(解答例)Our (company) office is (located) in Shinjuku. It is an hour’s walk from here. But take a taxi, and you’ll get there in 15 minutes or so. (あるいはBut it’s a only a 15-minute taxi ride.)


(ヒント)「そうですが」=That’s my name.

(解答例)”Excuse me, please, but aren’t you Mr. Yamada from Kobe?”

“Yes, that’s my name, and who are you?”



(解答例)The north wind was shrieking through the pine trees. There were thousands of stars twinkling up in the night sky.


(ヒント)「目指す大学」=the university he was aiming at。

(解答例)Though he has been working very hard in (あるいはfor) the past year, he has failed the entrance exam of the university he was aiming at again. Poor guy!


(ヒント)「~という事実を考えてみると」=in view of the fact that~、「~に分割されている」=be divided into two parts、「統一国家」=an undivided country。

(解答例)In view of the fact that Germany was divided into two parts: West and East, we might say that it is fortunate that we allowed to live in an undivided country (あるいはlive under a single government).




(解答例)①Yes, please, just a little. It’s delicious.

②Yes, please, but a small piece. It’s yummy.

(解説)「おかわり」を勧められた時、欲しければYes, please.です。


(解答例)2、①Now, would you like some apple pie and ice cream?

②Now, how about some apple pie and ice cream?



(解答例)①No, thank you. I’ve had enough.

②Not for me, thanks. I’ve had plenty.

(解説)「おかわり」を勧められた時、欲しくなければNo, thank you.です。


(解答例)①”Dinner is ready.” “I’m coming.”

②”Dinner’s up.” ”Just a minute.”




(解答例)①Please make yourself at home.

②Please make yourself comfortable.

③Please relax.

(解説)Please relax.は精神的に落ち着いていない人に対して、「ゆっくりしなさいよ」と言う場合に多く用いられますが、Please make yourself comfortable.の意味でも用いられます。





(ヒント)「デフレ」=deflation、「(昔の)好景気時代」=the day of prosperity。

(解答例)This is the age of deflation. We can no longer expect the days of prosperity to come back.


(ヒント)「すっかり様子が変わって」=(find) so much change (in appearance)。

(解答例)I went to Shinjuku after (several) years’ absence and found so much change in that part that I could hardly recognize (あるいはI hardly knew) where I was.


(ヒント)「長期予報」=a long-range weather forecast。

(解答例)According to the long-range weather forecast, we were to have a mild winter this year, but actually we have had the coldest winter in the past 20 years.


(ヒント)「お互いの自由」=each other’s freedom、「権利」=civil (あるいはhuman) rights。

(解答例)①A highly civilized society is one in which people living in it respect each other’s freedom and civil rights.

②Our society cannot be called a highly civilized one until we come to respect mutual freedom and human rights.



(解答例)My father used to make his business trips to Osaka by plane until recently, but now he uses the Shinkansen express. According to him, it is safer than traveling by air.


(ヒント)「酔っ払い運転」=「酔っ払った運転手」=a drunken driver。

(解答例)①Most traffic accidents are said to be caused by carelessness on the part of drunk drivers.

②It is said that most traffic accidents are caused by drunken driving.


(ヒント)「どこをどう走る」=where I’m going、「クルマ」=「ハイヤー」=a hired car。

(解答例)I've done the sights of Tokyo all day today. I’ve made a tour in a hired car throughout the city, but as you know, Tokyo is such a mammoth city, I didn’t know (あるいはI couldn’t tell) where I was going.


(ヒント)「漁村」=a fishing village。

(解答例)In summer (あるいはWhen summer comes around), lots of people travel either to the sea or to the mountains. Perhaps because I was born in a fishing village, I prefer the mountains.


(解答例)It is said that few foreigners who live for a long time in Japan speak ill of the Japanese. On the contrary, however, not a few young Japanese wish they had not been born in Japan.


(ヒント)「温泉に恵まれた」=be blessed with abundant hot springs、「入浴する」=take a bath。

(解答例)Few countries in the world are more blessed with abundance of hot springs than Japan and few peoples are more fond of taking baths than the Japanese.




(解答例)①Would you turn the light on for me please?

②Would you turn on the light for me please?

③Would you switch the light on for me please?

④Would you switch on the light for me please?

(解説)turn onは「(スイッチをひねって明かり・ラジオなどを)つける」の意です。


(解答例)①”Would you mind shutting the door?” “No, not at all.”

②”Would you mind shutting the door?” ”Sure.”

(解説)mindは「気にする」の意ですから、Would you mind shutting the door?に対して「閉めます」であれば、No.です。ただし、Sure.と言えば、O.K. I’ll shut the door.の意であって、相手の依頼に応えることになります。


(解答例)①”Do you mind if I smoke?” ”Not in the least.”

②”Do you mind if I smoke?” ”Of course not.”

(解説)Do you mind if I smoke?は「私がタバコを吸えば気にしますか」の意ですから、完全な否定のNot in the least.は「全く気にしない」であり、「かまわない」の意味になります。Of course not.も同様に「かまわない」の意になります。


(解答例)①”May I use this telephone?” “Go ahead.”

②”Can I use this telephone?” ”Sure. Help yourself.”

(解説)日本語の「借りる」からborrowを用いたくなりますが、移動可能な物を一時的に無料で借りるのがborrowです。家屋や備品をそのままの状態で使用するのには使えません。この場合のGo ahead.は、相手の行動を促すための感嘆詞的な表現です。


(解答例)①I’m afraid I must be going now.

②I’m afraid I must go now.






(解答例)The newspaper says that Dr. E’s lecture was so impressive that all his audience were deeply moved.


(ヒント)「下宿する」=take (up) lodgings、「ぎりぎりまで寝ている」=lie in bed till (a little before) the school bell rings。

(解答例)Since I took up lodgings somewhere near the college, I have been able to lie in bed till a little before the school bell rings. It is, therefore, an ideal place for a lazy man like me.


(ヒント)「明日の今頃」=about this time tomorrow。

(解答例)As I have something to talk about with you, I’d like to call on you about this time tomorrow. I hope it will be convenient to you. (あるいはWill it suit your convenience?)


(ヒント)「礼儀を知らぬ」=have no manners、「粗暴な=rough (and wild) in behavior。

(解答例)I’ve often heard that the young of today have no manners, but I don’t think it’s so. It is true, some youths are rough (and wild) in behavior, but a lot more are polite and kindly to us old people.


(ヒント)「うちのチビ」=my little son、「宿題を放ったらかす」=leave~half-done。

(解答例)My little son often goes out before he has finished his home work (あるいはleaving his home work half-done).


(ヒント)「待ち合わせると約束する」=arrange to meet (at)。

(解答例)Yesterday I arranged to meet Yamada at Shinjuku station at about 8:30, but he hasn’t appeared yet. Something must have happened on his way here.



(参考)Japanese history is about 20 centuries old.

(解答例)World history is still very young. Even the oldest history of man’s civilization is no more than 5,000 years old.


(ヒント)「無事に学業を終える」=「成功裡にその目的を達する」=successfully achieve one’s objective。

(解答例)There are more than 3,000 Japanese students being educated in America, but I’m told only 10 per cent of them successfully achieve their objectives (あるいはattained their academic purposes).


(ヒント)「飛び回る」=glide about (through) the sky。

(解答例)①Nothing gives you more pleasure than flying about the blue sky in a glider.

②Flying about the blue sky in a glider makes you feel more pleasant than anything else.


(解答例)I’ve been too busy with my school work to watch TV.




(解答例)①Please remember me to your parents.

②Please say hello to your parents.

③Please give my best regards to your parents.

(解説)この3通りの表現のうち、say hello to~が最もくだけた言い方です。



(解答例)May I help you?


Hi. How are you going there?

3、いや、結構です。ただ見ているだけです(近づいてMay I help you?と言ってきた店員に対して)。

(解答例)①No, thank you. I’m just looking.

②No. I’m just browsing, thanks.

(解説)一人で品選びをしたい時、店員がMay I help you?と言ってきた時の決まり文句が、No, thank you. I’m just looking.です。


(解答例)①Have you been waited on?

②Have you been seen to?

③Is someone looking after you?

(解説)このsee to~とlook after~は「~の世話をする」の意です。


(解答例)①”I’m looking for a present for my mother.” ”Do you have anything particular in mind?”

②”I need a gift for my mother.” “Was there something specific you wanted?”

(解説)have~in mindの基本的な意味は「~のことを考えている」です。①と②では文字上の意味は異なりますが、この状況では同義の文と見なしてよいでしょう。





(ヒント)「ちらほらほころびる」=begin to come out。

(解答例)Because of the long spell of fine weather, the cherry blossoms in the park are beginning to bloom (あるいはcome out). They will be at their best about this time next week (あるいはa week today).


(ヒント)「カエルの声のやかましい」=(where) frogs croak noisily、「田んぼ」=paddy fields。

(解答例)This part of the city used to be paddy fields where frogs croaked noisily, but now, as you see, it is a business center full of high (rise)buildings.



(解答例)Democracy is a word on everybody’s lips. But regrettably few of us know what democracy really is.


(ヒント)「名もない小駅」=a little country station、「曲がりくねったでこぼこ道」=a rough curved road。

(解答例)We drove from a little country station and bumped along a rough curved road about half an hour (=about a half hour). Then a fairly large lake appeared on the left. We guessed it was Lake Shikaribetsu.


(ヒント)「元へ戻す」put~back where it was (=where you found it)。

(解答例)”May I look (あるいはMay I have a look) at this book, please?” “Sure (あるいはCertainly). But when you have finished (=when you are through) with it, put it back where it was (=place it where you found it).


(解答例)Comic magazines are all the go (あるいはvery popular) among the young. Everywhere you go, in trains, buses and even coffee shops, you find young people absorbed in them (あるいはreading avidly).


(ヒント)「(老人が)元気な」=(be) hale and hearty、「欠かさず走る」=always go for a run。

(解答例)Old as he is, Mr. A is hale and hearty. He says the secret is that he always goes for a long run every morning.


(ヒント)「君に会うとは(期待していなかった)」。「こんな所で」=here―of all places。

(解答例)”What a surprise! I never expected to see you here, of all places. I thought you had gone home long ago.”


(ヒント)「飲み屋」=a pub (=a public house)。

(解答例)I hurried to the station by taxi, but when I got there, the last train had already gone (あるいはleft). I should have left the pub five minutes earlier.


(ヒント)「タクシーを拾おう」=pick up a taxi。

(解答例)I’m afraid we are going to get there too late (for it). Let’s pick up a taxi.




(解答例)①I like this coat. May I try it on?

②I quite like this coat. Is it okay to try it on?



(解答例)①This cap is too small. Please show me another.

②This cap is too small. Please show me another one.

③This cap is too small. Please show me another one in a larger size.

④This cap is too small. Do you have it in a larger size?


(解答例)①I’ll take it. How much is it?

②I’ll have it. How much does it cost?



(解答例)①And now, add it all up and tell me how much I owe you?

②And now, work out how much I owe you.

(解説)add upは「合計する」、oweは「支払いの義務がある」、How much do I owe you?は「支払うべき金額はいくらか」の意です。


(解答例)①”Let me see, that’ll be $ 200, with the tax.” “That’s more than I wanted to pay.”

②”Let me see, that’ll be $200, including the tax.” ”That’s beyond the price range I have in mind.”

(解説)考える時の「ええーと」はLet me see.「税込み」はwith the tax、あるいはwith taxです。当該税金に対して聞き手が共通の認識を持っていると話し手が思った時は、定冠詞を用いることになります。「予算」はbudgetを用いなくても、基本的な単語の使用で表現できます。なお、②の言い方は少額の買い物をする時には大げさすぎます。





(ヒント)「返事に困る」=be at a loss for an answer。

(解答例)I was at a loss for an answer when my American friend said, “I haven’t seen a really beautiful girl in kimono since I came over here. Tell me where I can find one.”



(解答例)When he says “to tell the truth”, I always suspect that he is going to tell a lie.



(解答例)We’ve had enough rain, haven’t we? It will have rained just ten days the day after tomorrow (あるいはThis rain will have lasted ten days・・・).


(ヒント)「隊長」=the team leader, the team captain。

(解答例)We were taking a good rest under a big tree, when the team captain shouted suddenly, “It’s just stopped (raining). Let’s get going.”


(ヒント)「利用して」はtaking advantage of (あるいはavailing myself of)~、または「~休暇中」と考えます。

(解答例)During the summer vacation (あるいはTaking advantage of my summer vacation), I visited Washington, D.C. and stayed there for a week, making sightseeing trips in and around the capital.


(ヒント)「新聞の使命」=the mission of the newspapers、「終わる」=is gone

(解答例)This is the age of “Speed First.” In this sense, the mission of the newspapers is gone for good and all (あるいはforever).


(ヒント)「語学に弱い」=have a little linguistic ability、「自由に発言する」=express oneself well。

(解答例)It is a well-known fact that the Japanese have little linguistic ability (あるいはare weak at foreign languages). In international conferences, for example, few Japanese can express themselves well.


(解答例)Five years had passed. She had been waiting impatiently for her husband to come back, but in vain. She had heard nothing from him.


(ヒント)「愛想のよい」=engaging、「ごちそうになる」=have supper served。

(解答例)The landlady of his boarding house was so engaging (あるいはcharming) that his young friends were always calling. As for me, I often had supper served in his room.


(ヒント)「航海者」=a navigator、「羅針盤」=a compass、「熟練した船長」=a veteran sea captain。

(解答例)A dictionary is to the student what a compass is to the navigator. Even a veteran (あるいはan experienced) sea captain can hardly be expected to sail across the ocean without a perfect compass.




(解答例)①”Anything else?” ”That’s all.”

②”Is that the lot?” ”Yes, thanks.”

(解説)このThat’s all.は「それが全てです」の意です。



(解答例)①Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office?

②Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?

(解説)見知らぬ人に話しかける時は、Excuse me.とまず言います。この場合の「教える」はteachではなく、tellです。


(解答例)①I’m a stranger here myself.

②I’m new here as well.



(解答例)①I know my way around here.

②I’m familiar with this area.

(解説)know one’s way around~は「~に精通している」の意で、土地について言えば、「地理に明るい」ということです。


(解答例)①How far is it from here to the museum?

②How long would it take to get to the museum from here?






(ヒント)「知らない単語や成句」=new words and phrases、「放ったらかす」=just leave (something)。

(解答例)Whenever you come across new words and phrases while reading, you must look them up at once in a dictionary and make sure of their definitions. Don’t just leave them (あるいはDon’t just pass over them).


(ヒント)「教育の狙いは~」=The aim of education is~、「真理を探究する」=seek the truth、「訓練」=「(子供を)訓練すること」。

(解答例)The aim of education is to seek the truth, it is true, but today people regard it as a way of preparing their children for better jobs.


(ヒント)「(我々の)思っていること」what is on one’s mind、「思想の伝達」communication。

(解答例)①There are many ways of letting others know what is on you mind and among them language is the most important.

②There are various forms of communication, and language is the most important.


(ヒント)「口を借りると」=through (あるいはout of) his mouth、「生き生きと響く」=sound vivid (あるいはlively, graphic)。

(解答例)He is a good talker. Even a simple story, once out of his mouth, sounds miraculously vivid and beautiful (to your ears).


(ヒント)「技術屋」=an engineer、「世に出す」=「出版する」。

(解答例)Though an engineer by profession, he is reputed for his poetry (あるいはa well-known poet). He has already had a few collections of his poems published.


(ヒント)「十字路」=the crossroads、「2丁ほど」=about two blocks。

(解答例)Go about a mile ahead, and you’ll come to the crossroads. Then turn (to the) right at the corner, walk about two more blocks, and you’ll see a white building on your left. That is the hospital you are looking for.


(解答例)On the train an old man sitting next to me spoke to me. He said he was quite a tourist, having been to Europe several times.


(ヒント)「粗暴な」=rough (and wild)。

(解答例)You cannot judge a person by appearances. Some men look gentle but are rough and wild at heart.


(ヒント)「~のために魅了される」=be charmed by the view of~。

(解答例)We got to Matsushima late that night. We awoke at about seven the next morning and had a (あるいはwere charmed by the) splendid view of Matsushima Bay, where were found lots of pine-covered islets scattered over the sea. It was indeed a picturesque sight.





(ヒント)「お見それする」=fail to recognize you。

(解答例)“Excuse me, please. But aren’t you Mr. Yamada?”

“Yes, that’s my name. Who am I speaking to?”

“I’m Satoh. It’s (been) ages since I saw you last. I was living next-door to you ten years ago.”

“Oh, you must be Mr. Sato. I am sorry to have failed to recognize you.”




(解答例)①Well, if you walk, it’d take you thirty minutes to three quarters of an hour.

②Well, if you walk, it’ll be about thirty minutes to three quarters of an hour.



(解答例)①Where are we?

②What is this place?

(解説)「ここはどこですか」の単語を一語一語置き換えたWhere is here? は初歩的な誤りです。Where are we? か、What is this place? が正しいです。なお、Where are we? は質問している相手も含めて「我々はどこに存在しているのか」という意味ですから、地図の一点を示して「ここはどこですか」と言う場合は不適です。What is this place? と言うべきでしょう。


(解答例)①Here we are! This is our hotel, isn’t it?

②Here we are! Here is our hotel.

③Here it is. Our hotel, isn’t it?

(解説)Here we are!は「さあ、着きましたよ」の決まり文句。



(解答例)①You look pale. What’s the matter with you?

②You look pale. What’s wrong with you?

(解説)不完全自動詞lookは「~に見える」の意です。What’s the matter with~は成句で、「~はどうしたのですか」の意です。


(解答例)①Is there anything wrong with him?

②Is there something wrong with him?

③Is there anything the matter with him?






(ヒント)「差し支えなかろう」=it may safely be said that~。

(解答例)It’s (あるいはIt has been) a little over a hundred years since the Meiji government was established. It may safely be said, therefore, that the history of modern Japan is only a century old.


(ヒント)「名所旧蹟」=places of scenic and historic interest。

(解答例)Kyoto was the capital of old Japan for ten centuries and there are lots of places of scenic and historic(al) interest to visit in the old capital.


(ヒント)「大衆化する」=become popular。

(解答例)Who would have thought thirty years ago that television would become popular? It shows how rapidly automated society has advanced.


(ヒント)「苦闘する」=struggle for~、「新聞記者(会見)」=a press interview、「浦島太郎」=a Rip Van Winkle、「文明の潮流」=the current of modern civilization、「どうのこうの」=「~に反対のことを言う」=say against~。

(解答例)Mr. A, who spent 30 long years in the jungle, struggling for survival, said in the press interview, “I feel like Rip Van Winkle, drifting about in the current of modern civilization. I’m in no position to say anything against the government.”


(ヒント)「先約」=a previous appointment。

(解答例)I’m afraid that I have to decline your kind invitation to the dinner party (あるいはdinner) because of a previous appointment.


(ヒント)「真意をつかむ」=grasp their way of thinking。

(解答例)I have been to India many times and yet I have never grasped their way of thinking. It is perhaps because I haven’t lived among them long enough.


(ヒント)「~のブームだ」=there is a boom in~。

(解答例)There is a boom in overseas travel. Japanese, young and old, go over to Europe on tours. This is particularly so in the summer, when you come across a Japanese tourist or two in almost every part of the Continent.


(参考)The depth of these lakes in 700m. on average.

These lakes average 700m. in depth.

(解答例)There still remains much that is unknown about the sea. How the vast oceans were formed is yet to be clearly explained. This vast expanse of water covers three-fourths of the whole earth’s surface and averages 3,600 meters in depth.


(ヒント)「南極大陸」=the Antarctic Continent, the Antarctica、「凍結する」=be frozen over、「ペンギン」=penguin、「アザラシ」=seal。

(解答例)It is reported that there is a lake somewhere on the Antarctic Continent, which is never frozen over all over the year round. Penguins and seals gather there to stay over the coldest season.


(ヒント)「漫画」=comic pictures, funnies(米語), funny pictures、「夢中になる」=be absorbed in~。

(解答例)This is the age of funny pictures. Everywhere you go, in buses, coffee shops and waiting rooms, you’ll see young people absorbed in comic books and magazines.




(解答例)①I’m afraid something is the matter with him.

②I’m afraid something’s wrong with him.

(解説)something is the matter with~は「~には何か具合が悪い所がある」の意です。


(解答例)①”I’ve caught a cold.” “That’s too bad.”

②”I have a cold.” ”That’s no good.”

(解説)このtoo badは成句で「気の毒な」の意です。この場合は「あまりにも悪い」という意味ではなく、相手に同情はするものの軽い応答です。


(解答例)①Take care not to catch a cold.

②Take care not to catch cold.

③Be careful not to catch a cold.

④Be careful you don’t catch a cold.

(解説)②はアメリカ英語ではcatch coldと無冠詞のことが多いです。


(解答例)①Please take care of yourself.

②Please take good care of yourself.

③Please look after yourself.

(解説)take care of oneselfは成句で「体を大事にする」の意です。②は強調した言い方です。なお、take care of oneselfには文字通り、「自分のことは自分でする」という意味もあります。



(解答例)①Fancy meeting you here!

②Imagine meeting you here!

③What a surprise to see you here!


I didn’t expect to see you here!





(ヒント)「11時を打つ」=strike eleven、「~を妨げないように」=so as not to disturb~。

(解答例)①I heard the clock striking eleven. I turned off the TV (set) at once so that I would not disturb my friend sleeping in the next room.

②Hearing the clock striking eleven, I switched off the TV right away so as not to disturb my friend sleeping in the adjoining room.


(ヒント)「それを入れる場所」=space to accommodate~。

(解答例)In large cities like Tokyo or Osaka, the housing problem is getting more serious. Urban population increases year by year, but there is hardly any extra space to accommodate the growing numbers (あるいはthere is a space limit to housing the extra population.


(ヒント)「人情」=「当然な」、「助けようとする」=「手を差し伸べる」=extend a hand。

(解答例)It is quite natural to help a person in difficulty. Seeing a little child drowning right under your nose, could you go away without extend your hand (あるいはWho could stand by idly without extending a hand)?


(ヒント)「特権階級」=a privileged class、「何もしないでのらくらする」=live an easy-going life, doing nothing。

(解答例)We may safely say (あるいはIt may safely be said) that Japanese (college) students belong to a privileged class. They can do anything they want to and are allowed to live an easy-going life simply because they are students.


(ヒント)「サッカー熱」=a fad (= craze) for (playing) soccer。

(解答例)There is a fad (あるいはcraze) for soccer among young Japanese. On a Saturday afternoon, you can see children, and even adults, enjoying the game.


(解答例)When my father asked, “What are you going to do after graduation?” I replied simply, ”I have no idea.” When he heard this, he got angry and said, ”You mean you are spending precious time and money and you have no idea?”



(解答例)Outdoor sports are very popular these days. Lots of people, young and old, men and women, enjoy taking part in such sports as marathon, cycling, and orienteering.


(ヒント)「その証拠には」=「一例を挙げれば」と解してfor example。

(解答例)In Japan, college students pass as grown-ups, but, in America, they are treated as fledgling. In America, for example, students don’t qualify for regular membership of social clubs (あるいはthey are not qualified to regular club members).


(ヒント)「憧れる」=aspire to~, yearn after~、「だらしない生活態度」=the easy-going life (of their seniors)。

(解答例)It is natural for the high school students to aspire to university but once they get there, they will certainly be disappointed at the easy-going life of their seniors.


(ヒント)「もう一度読み返す」=read it all over again。

(解答例)It is advisable when reading to select books carefully, read them from cover to cover, and then, if necessary, read them all over again.



(解答例)①I haven’t seen you for a long time. How have you been?

②It’s a long time since I last saw you. How have you been?

(解説)受験参考書でよく見られるIt’s a long time since I saw you last.は古い言い方です。


(解答例)①”Thank you very much for everything.” ”You’re welcome.”

②”I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me.” ”You’re welcome.”

(解説)You’re welcome.はThank you.に対する受け答えの決まり文句です。これ以外のものを挙げると、Don’t mention it./ Not at all./ No trouble at all.(古い言い方)などがあります。


(解答例)①Thank you all the same.

②Thank you just the same.

③Thanks anyway.



(解答例)①How do you like Japan?

②What do you think about Japan?

(解説)How do you like~?は「どの程度気に入っているか、あるいは嫌いか」を尋ねる時の「~はいかがですか」の意です。これとよく似たHow would you like~?は「料理・飲み物などの具体的な調理の仕方・出し方」を尋ねる時の表現です。ただし、この場合にもHow do you like~?を用いてよいです。


(解答例)①How long are you going to stay in Japan?

②How long will you stay in Japan?

(解説)「時間・所要時間」を尋ねる時はhow longを用います。





(ヒント)None of his audience left the auditorium.

(解答例)Dr. S’s speech was so moving that none of his audience left the auditorium during his three-hour lecture.


(ヒント)「飢餓に瀕して」=on the verge of starvation、「地球人」=we earthly beings。

(解答例)The world’s population has now reached the eight-billion mark, and half of the people are hungry or on the verge of starvation. The solution of the problem depends on whether or not we earthly beings can hold in check the increase of the population (あるいはhow we can manage to keep down the increasing population).


(解答例)Argentina is the second largest country in South America. She is seven times as large as Japan but her population is only one-fifth as large.


(ヒント)「まだ70年そこそこである」=It was only 70 years or so ago that~、「白黒テレビ」=television in black and white, a black-and-white TV (set)。

(解答例)It was only 70 years or so ago that the first black-and-white TV appeared in each of our homes. But today TV is a necessary part of our daily life (あるいはTV is one of our daily necessities).

5、ニューヨークは国際都市で、地上のほとんどあらゆる人種が集まっているので、「人種のるつぼ」と言われるのも当然だ。また、ユダヤ人が多方面で活躍しているので、Jew Yorkと呼ぶ人もいる。

(ヒント)「また~と呼ぶ」=「別名~」=otherwise known as~。

(解答例)New York is an international city where almost all the world’s races flock together. It is well called “the melting pot of races”, otherwise (あるいはalso) known as “Jew York”, because so many Jews are active and energetic in many fields in this metropolis.



(解答例)The other day I went to Shinjuku after a long absence of 50 years and found myself in such a strange place, surrounded by high buildings, that I couldn’t tell where I was.


(解答例)I came home to Japan last fall after five years’ absence. I was surprised at the great change in this country; in Tokyo, especially I felt as if I were in a foreign city.


(ヒント)「余暇を楽しむ」=enjoy one’s leisure hours。

(解答例)People say that Japan has changed, but I don’t think so. She has changed in appearance, it is true, but the people living here are as diligent as before. The only difference is (that) they have learned how to enjoy their leisure hours.

9、カメレオン(a chameleon)はとかげ(a lizard)の一種で、環境によってその皮膚の色を変えると言われる。

(解答例)A chameleon is a lizard which (あるいはA chameleon belongs to the lizard genus and) changes its skin color according to the environment it lives in (あるいはits surroundings; its habitat).


(ヒント)「堅物」=(a) stubborn (man)、「すっかり大阪商人~」=「典型的な大阪商人」。

(解答例)Even man seems to be a product of his environment (あるいはIt seems that even man changes according to his environment <あるいはhis living condition>). Take for example a man who used to be a known as a stubborn Tokyo businessman until he moved to Osaka some years ago. He is now a typical Osaka merchant.



(解答例)①Where are you from?

②Where do you come from?

(解説)Where did you come from?とも言いますが、受験では避けた方が無難です。


(解答例)①Who do you work for?

②Where do you work?

(解説)Who do you work for?の文頭のWhoは前置詞forの目的語ですから、本来は目的格です。しかし、文頭に目的格が来るのを嫌って、主格が用いられることが多いのです。


(解答例)①How are you getting along with your new job?

②How are you getting along in your new job?

③How is your new job?

(解説)get along with~は「~がはかどる」の意です。


(解答例)①What does that mean?

②What do you mean?

(解説)②はWhat was your intention when you said that?のニュアンスを持ちます。ただし、でもthatに強勢を置くと、②と同じニュアンスを持つようになります。


(解答例)①Never mind!

②Don’t worry!

(解説)受験参考書で見かけるDon’t mind!は誤りです。





(ヒント)「カント」=Kant, Immanuel、「生まれ故郷」=one’s birthplace、「生涯の大半を~で過ごす」=spend most of his life-time in~。

(解答例)Immanuel Kant, the famous German philosopher, died at (the age of) 80. It is said that the servant(=a great scholar) never went abroad in his life: he spent most of his life-time in his birthplace.


(ヒント)「メニュー」=menu, a bill of fare。

(解答例)Dr. Einstein, the famous physicist, was very short-sighted-so extremely short (-sighted) that he couldn’t read a restaurant menu, to say nothing of a daily (paper), without glasses. One day the great scholar asked a waiter at a restaurant to read the menu on the table for him. “Oh, you can’t read, either,” said he with a sigh, “I’ve never learned to read or write either. What poor fellows we are!”


(ヒント)「どうも」=「~らしい」、「風習」=custom、「花の咲いている間は」=in bloom、「気違いじみるくらいもてはやす」=admire passionately、「後先は」=「季節はずれには」、「手入れする」=tend, take care of。

(解答例)It seems that we Japanese have no custom of caring for cherry trees. While they are in bloom we admire them passionately, but otherwise (あるいはout of the blossom season) we take little care of them.


(ヒント)「果樹にはお礼肥」=fertilize your fruit-trees with thanks for~、「これは~である」=(this) is a good motto~。

(解答例)”Fertilize your fruit-trees with thanks for what they have brought you,” is a good motto for anyone who works in the orchard.


(ヒント)「世の中」=things、「違った人種」=a different being、「せいぜい」=only。

(解答例)Things have changed. In former days, school teachers were respected as different beings, but today, pupils only think of them as older brothers or sisters.


(ヒント)「みすぼらしい」=shabby (あるいはpoor)-looking, poorly clad。

(解答例)You mustn’t judge (あるいはDon’t judge) a person by his appearance. Who knows, a poor-looking man (あるいはa man poorly clad) might well be a great scholar or artist?


(解答例)Democracy is a word on everybody’s lips, but few people know what it really is. As for me, I always quote Abe Lincoln’s famous maxim; “government of the people, by the people and for the people.”


(解答例)The Americans are a strange people. Each of them thinks that he himself has established his own country. When we say, “I was born in this country,” they say, “I have made this country, so this is my country.”


(ヒント)「クルマ公害」=”traffic pollution”、「ガソリン車」=gasoline vehicles、「押さえる」=hold down, control。

(解答例)The problem of “traffic pollution” is now widely talked about, but I wonder who can say when and how to hold down the ever-increasing number of gasoline vehicles.


(ヒント)「気が重くなる」=be depressed、「山積みの」=piles of、「(目は)かすむ」=be blurred, get dim、「涙が出る」=tears swell (あるいはfull)。

(解答例)What depresses me most as spring comes round, is sitting and seeing thousands of exam papers piled up in front. While going through these piles, one sheet after another, I become so exhausted that my eyes get dim and tears swell.



(解答例)①Don’t take me so seriously. I’m only joking.

②Don’t take me so seriously. I’m just joking.



(解答例)①”Will it rain tomorrow?” ”I hope not.”

②”Will there be rain tomorrow?” ”Let’s hope not.”

(解説)「雨が降らないことを期待している」のであればI hope not. 逆に「雨が降ることを期待している」のであればI hope so.です。


(解答例)①”Is he coming?” ”No, I suppose not.”

②”Is he coming?” ”I don’t think so.”

(解説)「He is not coming.と思う」と言う場合に、I think he is not coming.とは言いません。I don’t think he is coming.が正しい英語です。


(解答例)①By the way, are you free tonight?

②Anyway, are you free tonight?

(解説)by the wayは話題を変える時に言う、「ところで」の決まり文句です。


(解答例)①”How about going to the movies?” ”I’d love to.”

②”How about catching a movie?” ”Let’s do it.”

(解説)How about~?は「~するのはどうですか」と提案する時の決まり文句です。I’d love to.は提案に対して、「そうしたい」という場合に用います。これは女性専用表現ではなく、男女共に用います。I’d like to.でもよいでしょう。




1、インカ(Inca)は、かつて南米ペルー(Peru)を中心に繁栄したインディアンの一族である。1500年頃は南米西海岸の高地一帯を占める大帝国(the Inca Empire)を建設し、その高い文化芸術を誇っていた。1533年にスペイン人によって征服され、滅亡した。

(ヒント)「ペルーを中心に」=with Peru as their center, centered around Peru。

(解答例)①The Incas were a tribe of American Indians, centered around Peru in Latin America, who reached the height of prosperity in 1,500. They established a great country called the Inca Empire in the mountains along the Western coast of the Continent, and boasted of their high civilization and fine arts. They were conquered and destroyed by the Spanish in 1533.

②Inca is the name of an Indian tribe which once prospered in and around Peru. In about 1,500, they built up a country called the Inca Empire, and took pride in their advanced civilization and fine arts. They were conquered and destroyed by the Spanish in 1533.


(ヒント)「最盛期」=at the height of her prosperity、「懸念」=a fear、「現実となる」=「真実となる」。

(解答例)It was feared that, at the height (peak) of her prosperity, Japan might some day suffer from business depression, and this fear has now come true.


(ヒント)「音楽の天才」=「音楽に対する才能を持つ」=have a genius for music、「数多くの音楽」=(compose) a lot of (pieces of) music。

(解答例)Though he had a genius for music and composed lots of (pieces of) music, he died young. If he were alive now, no doubt, he would be a leading composer.


(ヒント)「語学の天才」=a linguistic genius、「おかげをこうむる」=own much to~、「5つの外国語」=「自国語の他に5つの外国語」。

(解答例)He was linguistic genius. He is said to have mastered five languages besides his own before he was 12 years old. He owed much to his parents; his father was an Englishman, his mother a Frenchwoman.


(ヒント)「昔ほど~でなく」=not so ~as I thought them to be。

(解答例)①Having come home after 20 years’ absence, I’ve found a few things that have disappointed me. Hills are not so high and streams are not so deep as I thought them to be. The street is narrower and more winding than I expected.

②Back home after 20 years’ absence, I feel somewhat gloomy (あるいはI feel somewhat depressed): hills were higher, streams were deeper in my memory. As for the town street, I thought it was broader and less winding than it really is.


(ヒント)「身振り手真似で」=by gesture, by using a kind of sign language、「お茶を濁す」→「補う、埋め合わせをする」=compensate。

(解答例)I have been to India several times. My English is poor, so I compensated by using a kind of sign language. I flatter myself that I made myself understood pretty nicely.


(ヒント)「暖房」=「暖房器具」=heating appliances、「かえって」=on this account, for that reason。

(解答例)①With the improvement of heating appliances, we don't feel cold any longer, even in winter. Ironically enough, we are getting more susceptible to colds on this account.

②Thanks to the improved methods of heating, we don't have to feel cold any longer, even in winter. I'm afraid, however, we have become more susceptible to colds.


(ヒント)This is an age when~の型。「月世界」=「月」、「宇宙の神秘」=the mysteries of the universe。

(解答例)This is an age when we are able to reach the moon, but who knows when all the mysteries of the universe will be made clear?



(解答例)①What time shall we make it?

②When shall we meet?

③At what time?

(解説)このmake it~は「(日時などを)~と決める」の意。


(解答例)①Someone is at the front door.

②Somebody is at the front door.

③There is someone at the front door.


(解答例)①Who is it?

②Who's there?

(解説)対面していない相手に対して「どなたですか」と尋ねる場合は、Who is it?であってWho are you?ではない.


(解答例)①Could I have your name?

②Could you give me your name, please?

(解説)Who are you?は英語として正しくは合っても、少々無礼な言い方です。


(解答例)①Please don't bother.

②Please, don't go to any trouble.







(解答例)A TV weatherman said that morning, “The weather will be fine this afternoon.” But on the way down to Hakone, we had a heavy shower and had to put up for the night at a hotel somewhere at the foot of the Hakone range.


(ヒント)「人気のあった歌手」=singers who won much (あるいはgreat) popularity。

(解答例)Popularity is just a passing phenomenon. There have been lots of singers who won great popularity, but I wonder how many of them still retain the same popularity they once had.


(ヒント)「ステージにあこがれる」=be stage-minded、「タレント」=「芸能人」=an entertainer。

(解答例)Thousands of young boys and girls are stage-minded, but very few get the lucky break needed to achieve their objectives as (professional) entertainers.


(ヒント)「用事以外は」=「必要以外は」=if I had to。

(解答例)In former days, a Tokyo-born child, like me, was made a laughing-stock in this locality. To these people, my Tokyo tongue must have sounded funny. As a result, I only spoke to them if I had to.


(ヒント)「今日のアメリカの繁栄」=the present prosperity of America、「~を…に応用する」=apply A to B。

(解答例)Of all the causes that have brought about the present prosperity of America, the main cause is that she had applied science and technology to her industries.



(解答例)We live our daily life without making definite plans or programs beforehand, and therefore there is much room in them for improvement. In this sense, we should try harder to rationalize our mode of living.



(解答例)①Please leave me alone.

②Please let me be.



(解答例)①That has nothing to do with you.

②Mind your own business.

③That’s none of your business.



(解答例)①I can’t help it.

②It can’t be helped.

③There is nothing to be done about it.



(解答例)①That’s all for today.

②That’s it for today.

③So much for today.




①May I ask a favor of you?

②Will you do me a favor?

③I have a favor to ask of you.






(ヒント)「チキンフライ」=fried chicken、「ビフテキ」=beefsteak, steak、「焼肉」=grilled meat、「こってりしたもの」=something substantial。

(解答例)I have a slice of toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast; at noon I have a light meal; for dinner, I have something substantial, such as fried chicken, beefsteak or grilled meat.

(解説)日本のランチは、a dish of meat and vegetable with riceぐらいでしょう。


(ヒント)「~もいろいろあるが」=「~の中で」=of heating appliances、「部屋全体」=an entire room、「押され気味」=「それほど広く使用されていない」=not so widely used (as~)。

(解答例)Electric heaters are the best kind of heating appliance because they don’t pollute the air. But they are expensive to use and not strong enough to heat an entire room. That is why electric heaters are not so widely used as kerosene (stoves) and gas stoves.



(ヒント)「Aの後にはBが来る」=after A comes B、「だから」=so, therefore、「勇気を失う」=be discouraged。

(解答例)After rain comes sunshine; after winter comes spring; after sorrow comes joy; after misfortune comes happiness. So never be discouraged.


(ヒント)「濃霧」=a dense (あるいはthick) fog、「重傷」=seriously injured。

(解答例)This morning’s paper says that there was a railway accident somewhere in the suburbs of Osaka late last night owing to the dense fog and four persons were killed and at least ten others seriously injured.


(ヒント)「ただ、ちょっと気になるのは」=the only trouble (with us) is~、「間違い電話がかかる」=answer a wrong number。

(解答例)There was no telephone service in this village until very recently, but today it is very convenient for us to communicate among ourselves. The only trouble is that we have to answer a wrong number from time to time.



(解答例)She looks young―as young as ever. You might take her for a woman of 30 or so, but she has a daughter almost as old as you. Can you believe it?



(解答例)①What did you come here for?

②Why did you come here?


(解答例)①I was wondering if you could give me a ride in your car.

②I was wondering if you could give me a lift.



(解答例)①Let me know the details.

②Let me know all about it.


(解答例)①I’ll miss you very much.

②It won’t be the same around here without you.



(解答例)①I beg your pardon?

②Pardon me?


④Excuse me?






(ヒント)「数珠つなぎになって」=like an endless string of beads。

(解答例)In the countryside, scores of sightseeing buses are found in towns and places of scenic beauty and historic interest. It is no exaggeration to say that those buses run about the whole of the country like an endless string of beads. Some of them are occupied by old women (tourists)-a sight you can’t see without smiling (あるいはa sight that makes you smile).


(ヒント)「それと同様に」=just so, in the same way, in like manner、「内に思うことが多すぎると」=when you have too many things to think of、「筆にのってくる」=「ペンで自己を表現する」=express oneself in writing。

(解答例)Strange to say, when you are too hungry, you can’t eat a hearty meal (あるいはcan’t eat too much). Just so (あるいはIn like manner), when you have too many things to think of (あるいはwhen your mind is too full of thoughts), you can’t express them fully in writing (あるいはcan’t describe them all on paper).


(ヒント)「苦労を買う」=go forward to buy (あるいはsuffer) trouble、「苦しめば苦しむほど~のびる」=the harder one suffers, the more one grows in ability、「四十すぎたら」=「四十代には」=in your forties、「自分の顔に責任をもつ」=be responsible for one’s face。

(解答例)There is a saying: Go forward to buy (あるいはundergo) trouble in youth. It is true that the more hardships you suffer, the more you grow in ability. Looking back on my twenties, for example, I experienced a great deal of worry and care in life.

There is another saying: You should be responsible for your face in your forties. I’m now going on forty. I wish I could build up a splendid man’s face that would be most suitable for my career.

(参考)Another saying goes: A man at forty should have a face of his own making. I wish I could make a face that fitted my career and experience well.


(ヒント)「一番困ること」=our main problem、「カタカナ」は訳しようがないのでkatakanaでよいです。「第一」=「いよいよ悪いことには」=even worse, what is worse。

(解答例)Our main problem when going to America or Britain, is that the English words we come across in Japanese dailies and magazines are in katakana. We katakana people cannot tell V from B, J from G, R from L, and so forth. The result is that we don’t know the correct pronunciation for the names of the President of the U.S., the Prime Minister of the Great Britain, and even worse, the name of the places we’re going to visit.


(ヒント)「タダほど安いものはない」=Nothing is cheaper than what is given free (of charge).

(解答例)Last summer, we spent a month in a summer cottage in the famous summer resort, Karuizawa. When I say Karuizawa, it may sound rather luxurious (to you), but in fact it was an old cottage that belonged to a friend. He said that we could use it rent-free, so we jumped at the offer. Nothing is cheaper than what is given free (あるいはcharge), you know.


(解答例)India is a really large country. It took me 50 hours by special express to go from Barailly in the north down to Mdras, a sea port in the south. When I started I wore heavy winter clothes, but down there, I had to change into a light summer suit.



(解答例)①Is this your first visit to this town?

②Is this your first time in this town?


(解答例)①Cheer up! Everything will work out just fine.

②Cheer up! Everything will be all right.

(解説)このall rightはin good conditionの意です。なお、この意味の文章として受験参考書に見られるIt will soon come out all right.は不自然な英語です。


(解答例)①What do you think about that?

②How do you feel about that?

(解説)How do you think about~と言う人が多いですが、誤りです。


(解答例)①Time is short.

②There is no time to lose.

③We have no time to spare.



(解答例)①It’s next door to the post office. You can’t miss it.

②It’s next door to the post office. You’ll see it for sure.






(ヒント)「爽快な」=refreshing, cool and crisp、「生命保険をかける」=insure one’s life, have one’s life insured、「ムチウチ症」=whiplash injury。

(解答例)Driving a car is certainly refreshing, but since so many automobile accidents are reported, it is almost unthinkable to travel by car without insuring your life. In reality, quite a few people suffer from whiplash injuries, which shows that you cannot be too careful when driving.


(ヒント)「筑後平野」=the Chikugo plains、「豊後平原」=the Bungo heights、「山間の鉄道だから」=「多分、山あいを走る地方鉄道のせいか」=perhaps because it is a local train running between the mountains、「珍しいほど空いている」=「他の列車には見られないほど混んでいない」=not so crowded as other trains。

(解答例)I’m on a train now heading for Oita across the Chikugo plains and through the Bungo heights. It is perhaps because it is a local train running between hills and mountains, that is isn’t so crowded as other trains at this time of the year.


(ヒント)「~と接触する」=getting (あるいはcoming) in touch with~、「~以外に良法はない」=there is no other way (あるいはno better method) than~。

(解答例)Though I’ve often been asked in my class: Please tell me how I can improve my speaking ability (あるいはmy conversation), it seems to me that there is no other (あるいはbetter) way than getting in touch with foreigners as often as possible and seizing as many chances as possible to talk with them.

(解説)take a chance (あるいはchances)は「一か八か賭けてみる」の意となります。


(ヒント)「雨上がりの庭…よく見ると」までを「庭に生えている木や植物をよく見てごらん、そうすれば…が分かるでしょう」と考えます。「あたかも手品師のように」=「魔術師の杖のように」=like a magician’s wand。

(解答例)Look closely at the garden after a rainfall (あるいはwhen it’s stopped raining), and you’ll see that the trees and plants growing there appear more fresh and beautiful. It is the power of water that revives the beauty of living things just like a magician’s wand.


(ヒント)「人間の頭」=a man’s head (あるいはbrain)、「詰め込む」=cram into、「破裂する」=burst、「欲張る」=be greedy、「良いと言われる書物」=those books reported to be good, good books。

(解答例)It seems that a man’s head is so made that however much knowledge you cram into it, it will not burst. I’d like to give you young people the following advice: Be greedy in reading, so that you may digest as many good books as you can while young (あるいはin your early days).



(解答例)①What is the population of Tokyo?

②How large is the population of Tokyo?

③How many people live in Tokyo?


(解答例)①How come you didn’t say anything?

②Why didn’t you say anything?

(解説)how comeは「なぜ」の意の口語です。語順に注意しましょう。


(解答例)①Mind that you come on time.

②Be sure to come on time.



(解答例)①Would you care for a cup of tea?

②Would you like a cup of tea?

(解説)care for~は否定文・疑問文に用いて「~が欲しい」の意です。


(解答例)①Take your time.

②Take all the time you need.

③There’s no rush.

④There’s no hurry.

⑤Time is not a problem.

⑥Whenever you are ready is fine.





(ヒント)「口数の少ない人」=a man of few words、「(…がない人)の方がおしゃべりな人より」と補って考えます。「おしゃべりな」=talkative、「評判がいい」=be well spoken of~、「~についても同じことが言える」=the same is true with, the same thing can be said about~、「尊敬される」=be regarded with respect, be looked up to。

(解答例)In Japan, a man of few words is better spoken of than a talkative man. The same thing can be said about writing. A certain university professor that appears in one of Soseki's works, is regarded with respect among his students because he has written nothing in book form.


(ヒント)「新聞はしばしば誤まった報道をする」と考えます。「誤まった報道」=erroneous statements、「事件」=an event、「まちまち」=「異なったやり方で」=in different ways、「史実」=historical facts。

(解答例)As is known well, the newspapers make many erroneous statements; the same event is often reported in different ways. Unless what happened yesterday is reported correctly, how much will we be able to trust (あるいはrely on) so-called historical facts?


(ヒント)「長年、住み慣れた家(からは)」=(from) the house we have lived (in) for many years、「行きつけの理髪店」=my favorite barbershop、「坂を上ったり下ったりする」=walk up and down hills (あるいはslopes)。

(解答例)It is 300 meters to the nearest mail box and about 500 meters to my favorite barber shop from the house we have lived for many years. Whenever we go out, we have to walk up and down hills. The only advantage, if it may be called such, is that we enjoy a peaceful country life with few visitors to trouble us.


(ヒント)「人間」はman(無冠詞)でもmenでもmankindでもよいでしょう。「生物の進化」=the evolution (of living things)、「長い間の移り変わり」=(It has been) a long process that…、「せめて」=at least、「どんなものか」=What they were like、「人間のすぐ前の」=just before men。

(解答例)Those of us who have studied evolution know that mankind has slowly developed through the ages from creatures that were not men into beings that we are today. But, it has been such a long process that we know little of those earlier creatures. We could at least like to know what they were like.


(ヒント)「ふんだんにある」=be plentiful、「無い」=「乏しい」=be scarce、「『原子力の旅』」=”European Tour on Nuclear Energy”、「自慢の」=boasting、「お世辞の」=flattering。

(解答例)What is plentiful in Japan and scarce in Europe? The answer is, water, soap and matches. This is what the late Dr. Fujioka says in his book “European Tour on Nuclear Energy”. He says in addition that the water he drank at Haneda when he flew back from the tour was the most delicious he had ever tasted. This is true, not a boasting or flattering remark. The water we drink in Japan is indeed delicious. Few countries in the world, I would say, are more blessed with (fresh, clean) water than Japan.



(解答例)①Don’t be long.

②Hurry up!

③Be quick about it!

④Be quick.



(解答例)①My watch is two minutes fast.

②My watch is two minutes ahead of standard time.



(解答例)①I hope so.

②I’ll be glad if that’s the case.


(解答例)I’m afraid not.


(解答例)①There are quite a few books in it.

②There are a lot of books in it.

③There are lots of books in it.

(解説)quite a fewは「多数」を意味する口語で、使用頻度大です。
